Tuesday August 20: Clifford and I arrived at Swan Lake Recreation Area earlier today and were happy to find a great site, which will be home for the next couple of weeks. After getting Cougar set up, I explore the campground and find a path to the creek that I can hear, while Clifford gets his ham radio antennas up and working.

Then we ride our bikes to the day-use area and up the bike trail to a view point. Hard work for me! Dinner is left-overs warmed up and eaten by lantern light at the picnic table.

Wednesday August 21: After a walkabout, I make coffee and sit outside to write in my journal and read Mary Oliver. My favorite poem “Messenger” speaks of “My work is loving the world….. Let me keep my mind on what matters, which is my work, which is mostly standing still and learning to be astonished.” I feel like she is my soul-sister.

Clifford and I bike around the campground today, checking things out and getting some exercise. Later he plays his dulcimer and then takes out his microscope in preparation for the upcoming interview to be done here at our campsite. I play viola outside and do some editing and blog-writing.
Clifford the researcher Clifford the musician
We have chili for dinner, sitting out at the picnic table. We cover the table and Clifford’s lab gear with a good tarp before I head to bed. Without the distraction of cell phone or family visits (I do miss seeing my kids and siblings!), I am able to focus on better self-care: not skipping supplements and going to bed earlier, for starters.
Thursday August 22: This morning I walk over to the day-use area. A light rain in the night makes everything bright and fresh this morning.

I find a spot by the lake with a cluster of boulders big enough to sit on and watch the coming of the light on the far shore before it reaches where I am. It is an overcast morning and the light is dull, but I like sitting here anyway.

Back at camp, I make coffee and write in the journal before making our smoothies. Today we drive down the road to a pull-out alongside the lake, just a mile or so away where we can get cell service. I send texts and photos to family while Clifford downloads a music program for his dulcimer.

In the afternoon I work on a blog of my trip to Atlanta in February to visit my daughter Becka. What a fun wonderful time! When clouds move in, we cover the picnic table with a tarp to protect Clifford’s lab set-up from rain. Because of the clouds and rain, Clifford starts the generator, which we don’t do very often, but now we can have light and continue with our projects. After dinner, I edit for awhile before getting ready for bed, while Clifford stays up late “flying,” using flight simulator software that allows him to fly anywhere and tonight he is flying over the Appalachian Mountains.