Thursday September 12 is our last morning at Seeley Lake Campground in the Seeley-Swan Valley of western Montana. I am awake and up before Clifford, and there isn’t any more packing I can do until he is up and showered. A heavy mist is rising from the meadow and the lake, so it is a great time for a last lake walk. I take photos of trees in the mist, and as I return to camp, the mist is lifting above the meadow and the sun is coming through, bringing bright color to the land.
Mist over the meadow
Trees in the mist
Mist rising from the lake
The mist is lifting and color returns to the land
Once Clifford is up, we have a light breakfast and finish packing and are on our way by 10:00 a.m. Our destination today is the Bass Creek Recreation Area in the Bitterroot Valley south of Missoula, Montana. We arrive there in the mid-afternoon and are really pleased to find that the site where we camped in July is available.
Happy to have this site at Bass Creek Recreation Area
get set up and shortly afterward, my brother Rollie arrives in his
class A and finds a spot on the opposite side of the loop. After he
gets set up, I make a late lunch for all of us. Later, Rollie and I
play bluegrass music with Clifford as our appreciative audience. I
miss the lake, but this is a good spot and it is especially good to
have a few more days to see family before we head back to Utah.
September 10 & 11 are our last days at Seeley Lake Campground in the Seeley-Swan Valley of western Montana. We’ve certainly enjoyed our beautiful and peaceful spot here, but we have to move on so we can see family and friends before we head back to home-base in southeast Utah.
The great trees at our campsite
On one of these days we visit a friend who lives in the valley. He sure knows about good food and we have a superb lunch. It is a really good visit.
An outing up the valley
On the way back to our campsite at Seeley Lake, we explore another lake and at a pullout alongside the highway, I have only one minute to take photos as the last light of the setting sun is reflecting off the water.
Reflection of the setting sun
The next day, I have a campfire in the morning, my last chance here.
Coffee and journal at the campfire
During the day, I spend as much time as possible at the lake. I love seeing how the light changes the look of the lake and the mountains.
Midday at Seeley Lake
It is also a good day to play our instruments outdoors.
A good outdoor day….
with the instruments
Afternoon light begins to color the clouds
Evening light across the lake
In the evening, we pack up as much as we can so as to get an early start in the morning.
September 8 & 9: Drizzle to rain and back to drizzle has everything wet here at the Seeley Lake Campground in the Seeley/Swan Valley of western Montana.
Rainy morning walk
Rainy morning walk
Trail along the lake on a rainy day
Now and then the sun breaks through, and Clifford and I take advantage of these moments to play our instruments outside and to repair the leak in the gutter that is allowing water to drip under the awning.
Campsite at Seeley Lake Campground
The meadow as the sun breaks through for awhile
Viola comes out to play when the sun shines
I enjoy walks down to the lake and out into the meadow, and when it is raining too hard to be outside, I write blogs and finish editing a book for my daughter Ang, glad for the a dry warm space to carry on with projects. Clifford mostly works with his ham radio.
Trees at the meadow
Western Larch at the campsite
It doesn’t sound like much, but we are both quite busy all day.
Saturday September 7: It is a cloudy drizzly morning here at Seeley Lake Campground in the Seeley-Swan Valley of western Montana where Clifford and I are camping, having arrived just a couple of days ago.
Campsite at Seeley Lake Campground
I make coffee and then walk to the lake, taking the trail past the beach and along the shore to the woods. I have my journal and sit on the bench that overlooks the lake, but is too drizzly to write, so I just read a poem by Mary Oliver and listen to a morning meditation on my cell. It is a nice peaceful way to start the day.
Trail along the lake to the woods
My favorite bench
By time I get back to our campsite, Clifford is up and we have breakfast. Today we need to go to Seeley Lake (town) to pick up our mail, so we decide to take the opportunity to explore a bit, going first to Lake Placid, discovering some dispersed camping spots on the way to this lovely mountain lake, and then taking the loop back to Seeley Lake.
Creek crossing on Lake Placid Road
Lake Placid
Lake Placid
The only problem is that what is on the map and what is on the ground don’t relate much and we end up at a place called Hidden Lake. It is an okay place for tent camping, but we wouldn’t try bringing Cougar here.
Hidden Lake
road back to Seeley Lake is sketchy and we are not even 100% certain
we are on the right road until we reach the outskirts of town. We
pick up a few groceries at the market, then head back to camp. I play
viola while Clifford naps, and later, after dinner, he plays dulcimer
while I get the next photo/travel blog ready to post. It certainly
was a fun day!
Thursday September 5, Clifford and I leave our campground at Swan Lake Recreation Area in northwest Montana, heading south on Highway 83 through the lovely Seeley-Swan Valley. Great mountains rise up on either side of this valley, the Mission Range to the west and the Swan Range to the east. Our destination is the Seeley Lake Campground, about 60 miles down the valley from Swan Lake.
Mission Range in the Seeley-Swan Valley
arrive before noon with numerous sites to choose from, although the
three sites right along the lake are taken. We decide to look more
closely at the loop where we have not previously camped, as the level
sites were always taken. However, this morning, this loop is open
and we pick a really great spot, level and spacious, with tall
western larch and Douglas fir, and a view of the meadow.
A great spot at Seeley Lake Campground
I loved our spot at Swan Lake and thought nothing would compare to
it, this spot at Seeley Lake, being more natural and wild is every
bit as inviting to me. As soon as we are set up, I explore the lake
closest to this loop, which happens to be where the water lilies
Seeley Lake
Friday morning is overcast with a drizzle, which doesn’t keep me from walking down to the lake for photos.
Drizzly morning at Seeley Lake
Drizzle turns to rain
As the drizzle becomes a steady rain, it turns out to be a good day for inside activities. Clifford works with his ham radios and I edit my daughter Ang’s novel Regent’s Way and write blogs. Cougar is cozy and we are comfortable.
Clifford and I close out August and begin September at Swan Lake Recreation Area where we have been camped for two weeks.
A favorite spot at the Swan Lake day-use area
Clouds bring a bit of rain
A creek flows through the campground
Morning campfire with coffee and journal
Area summer residents
One day we make a trip to Bigfork to the laundromat and a stop at Harvest Foods Market, which is a way bigger and better store than any other Harvest Foods I have ever seen.
Sign at the laundromat
On our way back to our campground, we go exploring. We find our down to Swan River where three young women are putting in kayaks to float the river. They ask me to take photos, which I do, of course.
Women on Swan River
on we go to a fishing access, which turns out to be a small lake in
the mountains, Horseshoe Lake. The water is kind of murky along the
shoreline, but there are turtles on the logs, which are fun to see,
and the reflections on the water make it quite a pretty place.
Horseshoe Lake
day, since we will soon be leaving the area, we go to Bigfork again,
this time to check out the brewery, having a local on-tap beer with
our lunch, sitting out on the outdoor patio overlooking Flathead
Lake. This is quite the lark for us, since we seldom eat out and
seldom have beer. But it was fun!
View of Flathead Lake from patio at the brewery
The other days at the campsite are full of our usual activities: research, dulcimer, flying, and ham radio for Clifford; walkabouts, photos, blogs, editing, journal writing, and viola for me. Soon it will be time to move on, but for the moment, we are enjoying the peaceful beauty of this campground and nearby Swan Lake.
August 26th through 30thare full days spent at our campsite at the Swan Lake Recreation Area in northwest Montana. Being retired, we are busier than ever with our projects. Clifford is doing some research in connection with his non-profit – Carnicom Institute, flying via flight simulation software, working with his ham radios, and playing the dulcimer. I walk around the campground and down to the day-use area alongside Swan Lake to take photos, write blogs, edit books for a couple of authors, and play viola. Now and then we get a bit of rain, and for the most part, the weather is mild for August.
Sunrise at the Swan Lake
Leaves after the rain
One of my favorite spots at Swan Lake day-use area
morning I sit out to write in my journal, sometimes going down to the
lake and sometimes making a campfire at our site. A book of poems by
Mary Oliver is a daily inspiration to me.
Journal and coffee at a morning campfire
A couple of times we drive to the pull-out about a mile from the campground where we can get cell service. I post a blog and send texts to my kids and siblings while Clifford downloads whatever software he needs for his next project.
Swan Lake view at the pull-out
highlight of these days is a visit from a CI supporter who happens to
live in the area and who treats us to a great dinner at a fancy place
in Bigfork – Show Thyme. If you are ever in Bigfork, check it out.
Going to dinner
Show Thyme
bit of excitement is the bear that was seen by our RV neighbors at
the day-use area and then seen at the other loop of the campground.
On one of my walks to the lake, I could smell a musky odor and knew
that the bear had recently passed by. Clifford, on his bicycle, also
smelled the bear and saw fresh scat. The hosts are very attentive and
make sure everyone keeps a clean camp, so we don’t expect trouble.
Lush forest
Walking back to our campsite, this is where I smelled the bear
Friday August 23: As soon as I get up, I make coffee for the little thermos and head down to the day-use area here at the Swan Lake Recreation Area of northwest Montana where Clifford and I are camped. I find a picnic table in the sunshine where I can sit to write in the journal. The mountains on the other side of the lake are nearly obscured by mist. When the mist lifts and the sun goes behind a tree, I gather my stuff and head back to camp.
Coffee and journal in the sunshine
Mist in the mountains
In the afternoon, an independent film crew comes to our campsite to get footage of Clifford and his research. Hopefully, some of this material will make its way into a documentary on environmental issues.
Clifford at work
A walkabout in the later afternoon includes another visit to Swan Lake. I also spend time editing for a couple of authors. Since there is no cell service here, writing blogs, posting photos, and texting family get put on a back-burner.
Swan Lake
Saturday August 24 and Sunday August 25: We meet the film crew in the town of Bigfork, Montana, about 15 miles north of our Swan Lake campground. This gives us a chance to discuss the work that Clifford has done over the last two decades. The place we have chosen to meet serves an excellent brunch. We also have a chance to see a little of Bigfork, an attractive and vibrant town with a resident population of about 5,000 people. Many visitors swell this number at certain times of the year, as there is an active theater group here, as well as many other activities and events.
A most excellent latte
A great place for brunch
Galleries and ….
more galleries
In the evening, Clifford and I sit at a campfire and relax. It has been a busy several days and it is nice to have a little time to just be.
Tuesday August 20: Clifford and I arrived at Swan Lake Recreation Area earlier today and were happy to find a great site, which will be home for the next couple of weeks. After getting Cougar set up, I explore the campground and find a path to the creek that I can hear, while Clifford gets his ham radio antennas up and working.
Cougar tucked in with a meadow behind us
A creek in the campground
Then we ride our bikes to the day-use area and up the bike trail to a view point. Hard work for me! Dinner is left-overs warmed up and eaten by lantern light at the picnic table.
Sunset at Swan Lake
Wednesday August 21: After a walkabout, I make coffee and sit outside to write in my journal and read Mary Oliver. My favorite poem “Messenger” speaks of “My work is loving the world….. Let me keep my mind on what matters, which is my work, which is mostly standing still and learning to be astonished.” I feel like she is my soul-sister.
“Learning to be Astonished”
Clifford and I bike around the campground today, checking things out and getting some exercise. Later he plays his dulcimer and then takes out his microscope in preparation for the upcoming interview to be done here at our campsite. I play viola outside and do some editing and blog-writing.
Clifford the researcher
Clifford the musician
have chili for dinner, sitting out at the picnic table. We cover the
table and Clifford’s lab gear with a good tarp before I head to
bed. Without the distraction of cell phone or family visits (I do
miss seeing my kids and siblings!), I am able to focus on better
self-care: not skipping supplements and going to bed earlier, for
Thursday August 22: This morning I walk over to the day-use area. A light rain in the night makes everything bright and fresh this morning.
Rain in the night makes things bright and fresh
I find a spot by the lake with a cluster of boulders big enough to sit on and watch the coming of the light on the far shore before it reaches where I am. It is an overcast morning and the light is dull, but I like sitting here anyway.
Boulders to it on
An overcast morning at Swan Lake
Back at camp, I make coffee and write in the journal before making our smoothies. Today we drive down the road to a pull-out alongside the lake, just a mile or so away where we can get cell service. I send texts and photos to family while Clifford downloads a music program for his dulcimer.
View of Swan Lake from the cell phone pull-out
In the afternoon I work on a blog of my trip to Atlanta in February to visit my daughter Becka. What a fun wonderful time! When clouds move in, we cover the picnic table with a tarp to protect Clifford’s lab set-up from rain. Because of the clouds and rain, Clifford starts the generator, which we don’t do very often, but now we can have light and continue with our projects. After dinner, I edit for awhile before getting ready for bed, while Clifford stays up late “flying,” using flight simulator software that allows him to fly anywhere and tonight he is flying over the Appalachian Mountains.
After my return from the recent road trip with my daughter Becka, Clifford and I only have a couple more days at Sloway Campground in western Montana, along the I-90 corridor. I spend these days organizing for our next trip and getting another blog posted. I am WAY behind. Clifford continues with his projects – some work on CI website and ham radio.
Clark Fork River near Sloway Campground – Western Montana
Sunday August 18: We leave Sloway Campground this morning. It was a good place for Clifford to stay while I went visiting family and friends east and west.
Crossing the Clark Fork River east of Sloway Campground
We are spending the night in Missoula to get supplies and an early start to Swan Lake in the morning. Bretz RV parking lot, where we intended to go, is full, so we head on over to Walmart. It all seems to be fine until the STENCH! We find out that this area is known for an unbelievable bad stench that comes and goes, and supposedly no one knows why. It only takes Clifford a little while and a bit of research to figure out where its coming from. But the fix is a whole other issue. Between the traffic, the lights, and the bad smell, it was not a restful night.
Monday August 19 is another Missoula day, the highlights being Barnes & Nobles and Cracker Barrel. This afternoon we are able to find a spot at Bretz, but it is a tight squeeze because the slide-out on the RV in the next space extends into the space we are trying to back into. But we make it and the folks are friendly.
Tuesday August 20: We pack up what little needs to be packed and are on our way by 9:30, heading north on highway 93 toward Flathead Lake (northwest Montana).
Traveling highway 93
Impressive Mission Mountains loom to the east.
Near Bigfork, Montana, at the north end of Flathead Lake, we turn south on highway 83 to the Swan Lake Recreation Area.
Swan Lake
Swan Lake
This is our first time at this campground and we are surprised to see that most of the sites are reserved. However, as we drive the two loops, we find a first-come first-serve that is one of the nicest spots in the whole campground.
Swan Lake Campground
we are set up, I walk the ½ mile or so to the day-use area that is
right alongside the lake. We are very pleased to be where we are.
This will be a great place to hang out for a couple of weeks.