Birthday in the Desert

Birthday Outing

One of the highlights of February in the desert at La Posa South is my birthday when Tata and Rollie make a special birthday dinner and give me a lovely bouquet.

The table is set for the guests
The guests

An outing to the Colorado River, taking a picnic and our instruments is another day of celebration. What fun to share this time with family as well as with Clifford.

Birthday outing
Picnic at the Colorado River
Music at the Colorado River
Rollie and Tata at the River
Birthday dress from Clifford
A new year begins for me

January Happenings – January 2021

Camping at La Posa South, south of Quartzsite, Arizona, I walk daily, usually in the cool of the morning. Since I almost always walk alone, Clifford and I stay in touch with handheld radios, but other than that, I treasure the silence and hold thoughts regarding the importance of silence in making positive shifts, both in personal life and health as well as in relationship to the shifting energy of the earth.

Morning walk in the desert
“Scraggly” and his straight arrow friend.

After my walk, I often have coffee with my brother Rollie and his fiance Tata who are camped next to us. The day’s activities, in addition to journal writing and reading books of interest, I also spend time editing my daughter Ang’s books, as we are reviewing all of the first series, an epic fantasy that keeps me engaged.

Cousin Bill and his wife Sally come for a visit and we share meals, outings, and music. It is fun to have desert time with family.

Rollie and Tata on a desert outing
Cousin Sally and Tata on a desert outing
Cousin Bill on a desert outing

One of the highlights of the day is getting together to play music.

Getting together to play music, mostly bluegrass.

Toward the end of the month, we are pleased to welcome clouds and a rainstorm.  I have hopes that this moisture will bring blossoms to the desert.

A rainy morning
A day of great clouds
Clouds over Shale Mountain

Most days I prepare a photo to post on social media as the Higher Vibration for the day. Some of these will eventually end up in a blog, but for now they are a visual record of my day-by-day saunterings and a way to share the beauty I see in the world.

Clouds at sunset

Things always work out for me. – Abraham-Hicks

A New Year Begins – January 2021

Desert Ambiance

Clifford and I are camped in the desert at La Posa South, south of Quartzsite, Arizona, having arrived in late November. This was not our intended destination this year, but this is where we are. Sometimes life demands rerouting.

I start my 2021 journal with the quote from Thich Nhat Hanh “The greatest miracle of all is to be alive.” I find this to be a powerful affirmative statement as I recover from the stroke of several weeks ago and as I see people suffering from the illness, quarantines, and isolation brought on by covid19.

A daily walk in the desert is part of my recovery regimen and my favorite time to go out is at sunrise. 

Winter sunrise
Sunrise seen from our campsite
The joy of a sunrise

Due to the extreme heat of last summer and the lack of rainfall, the early flowers are not blooming as they have in past years, but I am finding a different kind of beauty in the old trees, some struggling to show signs of life…

Unique and holding on
Like no other
Struggling but alive

some long-gone, creating unique desert sculptures.

Desert sculpture designed by Nature
Desert sculpture designed by Nature
Desert sculpture designed by Nature

I am always pleased to end the day with the sun setting behind nearby mesquite and saguaro, as I never tire of the many layers coming together as they do at sunset.

Sunset in the desert
Farewell to the day