Wednesday March 1stis a beautiful blue-sky day. We run a couple of errands in the morning, and then drive out to the Saguaro NP, which is not far from Synder Hill where we are camped. This park is a fine example of the lushness of the Sonoran desert with its variety of vegetation, including blooming shrubs, several varieties of cholla, ocotillo in bloom, and great tall saguaro cacti. Because of the rains in the December and January, the desert is more green than usual.
Ocotillo in bloom – Saguaro NOMajestic Saguaro – Saguaro NP
We go to the Visitors’ Center and then decide on the loop drive that will take us to Signal Hill. Signal Hill has a day use area and there is a nice hike to a rocky hilltop where there are petroglyphs. In addition to the petroglyphs at the viewing area at the top of the mound, we spot other petroglyphs on rock faces that are mostly unseen unless one happens to look in the right direction at the right time.
Petroglyphs at Signal Hill in Saguaro NPView from Signal Hill – Saguaro NPPetroglyphs on rock faces at Signal Hill – Saguaro NPPetroglyphs on rock faces at Signal Hill – Saguaro NP
On the way out, we take the wrong road and miss seeing flowers that I was hoping to photograph. We plan to come again, so I hope to catch them next time.
Late afternoon sunlight at our campsite at Synder Hill.
Thursday, March 2nd – today is another beautiful day. We reorganize the tubs – Clifford’s books and scientific instruments – in the back of the Suburban, making things neat and accessible. Clifford had ordered a radio, which has arrived at a UPS store in Tucson. He drives in to get it, but I stay at camp and take advantage of the nice day to play cello outside, the first time in quite awhile.
Synder Hill Cello
In the afternoon we drive back out to the Saguaro NP, but today I don’t see the flowers in bloom. Too bad, but it is nice to be there again and take a few more photos.
Cholla in Saguaro NPLate afternoon sun on cholla – Saguaro NPSaguaro NP
We explore the Gilbert Ray Campground, located near the park. The campsites are very close together, but there is enough vegetation to provide a sense of privacy. In the evening, after dinner and cleanup, I do some bookwork and take care of emails, while Clifford works with his new radio.
Friday, March 3rd– A super windy day. Our friend Dan comes, and he and Clifford go to Tucson to take care of errands in regard to getting the Suburban ready to tow Terry: wiring for the electronic brakes, different ball hitch, a new tongue jack, and other such stuff. While they are gone, I write postcards to send to family and friends; too windy to play cello. When the guys get back, we go to Three Point Cafe for lunch. In the afternoon, after talking to Becka, I go up Synder Hill to take photos of the setting sun.
Sunset from Synder Hill – Tucson, Arizona
Back at camp, I download my camera – over 300 photos since my last download. Later I edit Princes of Purt – the next book in the Novel of Shannon series by Angela MacDonald (an exciting series for epic fantasy readers) – until the battery on my laptop goes dead. This was a good productive day for both of us!
Friday February 24th – It is 27 degrees and a bitter cold wind – kind of limits outdoor photos, but we are leaving this morning, anyway.
Leaving our campsite at Belle Campground, Joshua Tree NP
We head on south through Joshua Tree NP, warm inside Blazer, noticing how green the desert is.
Once on I-10, I have cell service and catch up on texts, emails, and calls with my cell.
Rock formations along I-10 in Arizona
We take the Buckeye exit before Phoenix and drive on out to the Buckeye BLM Recreation Area. We find a nice spot not far from where we were last time we were here.
Overnight at Buckeye BLM Recreation AreaA walk in the desert before sunset
The temperature is mild enough that I play cello outside a bit, go for a walk at sunset, and then edit for my authors in the evening. Clifford does his usual evening stuff, but less with the radios than usual, since he is not taking time to set up antennas.
Saturday February 25th – We pack up and head out first thing this morning, stopping in Gila Bend for gas. On the outskirts of Tucson, we stop at Cracker Barrel for lunch – what a nice break from driving! West of Tucson, we travel to the Synder Hill BLM dispersed camping area. The spot where we parked in January is available, but there are several noisy generators nearby, so we go in search of a different spot and find one that is much better – level and a couple of mesquite trees beside a wash.
A couple of mesquite trees for shade
We have a little shade, a nice front yard, and a view of Synder Hill. Although Synder Hill is not my favorite camping area, our spot is a fine place for the time being. We get set up inside and out, including antennas, then sit out in our lawn chairs to enjoy the warmth of the late afternoon sunlight.
Sunday February 26th – I enjoy a campfire this morning as I sit outside and write in my journal.
Morning campfire at Synder Hill
Our friend Dan comes and we have lots of projects that he helps with, especially as he brings a ladder so we can get up and do some work on the roof. We go to the town of Three Point about 12 miles away for lunch at the Three Point Cafe. Tiny town, but it has an Ace Hardware, a gas station, and a small market where I buy local honey. Back at camp, it is too breezy to play cello outside and even though we thought we were charging batteries while we were gone, a fuse is blown, and nothing is charged. My laptop dies while I am editing photos. I am trying to “go with the flow,” but this lack of battery is frustrating. I am so far behind with posts, I wonder if I will ever get caught up. Arrangements are made to meet the Suburban and its owner, Marty, tomorrow.
Monday February 27th – Dan comes here and then we all go to meet Suburban and Marty. Clifford drives Suburban; Marty drives Blazer. Then the men share what is known about the vehicles. In the end, an agreement is reached with Blazer being part of a trade. Plans are made to meet at the DMV tomorrow to give us time to clean Blazer out and go to the bank.
I learn that my daughter Katie, who owns the house in Idaho where we live in the upstairs apartment when not traveling, has moved her family to the house, opting for a more simple lifestyle. It will be fun to have them as our downstairs neighbors when we get back to Idaho.
Tuesday February 28th– We get up early and clean out Blazer, which takes some work, as we carry much of our stuff in the back, not to mention ham radio gear, backup camera, and such stuff that has to be dismantled to be removed. A 12-volt vacuum cleaner and a good wipe-down makes Blazer look pretty good. We meet Marty at the DMV: all the formalities and exchange of money and titles takes place. The Suburban is ours!
Suburban and Clifford at Synder Hill
Back at camp, we load everything from Blazer back into Suburban and are pleased with how much room we have. A sprinkle of rain creates a rainbow – a good sign.
A rainbow – a good signI love seeing a rainbow
It is too windy for cello, but we go for a drive at sunset to try out the “new” vehicle, which will be so much safer for us and more comfortable, also.
Sunday January 29th– Quartzfest is over, but some ham radio operators are staying on at La Paz. However, there is hardly anyone along our side of the wash now. It is not so windy this morning, so I fix up the fire ring and build a little campfire this morning, the first one at this campsite. It feels good to have a morning where I can be outside without being wind-blown and not having to go off somewhere right away.
Last morning at La Paz BLM dispersed camping area south of Quartzsite, ArizonaRebuild the campfire ring and first campfire of our stay at La Paz
After breakfast, I pack a picnic lunch and we head out sight-seeing, Palm Canyon being our destination. Palm Canyon is located in the KOFA National Wildlife Refuge south of Quartzsite – another 10 or 12 miles beyond La Paz and another 12 miles or so to the base of the KOFA Mountains.
Heading toward the KOFA Mountains and Palm CanyonNearing the KOFA Mountains
A half-mile hike takes us up into a canyon where, in a steep ravine above the canyon floor, palm trees are growing – native and wild. It is quite interesting to see palm trees growing in such a place.
The hike begins at the foot of this uplift of rockHiking to Palm CanyonHiking to Palm CanyonClifford on the trail to Palm CanyonHiking to Palm Canyon; the Castle Dome Mountains across the basinPalm CanyonPalm trees in the canyon
Other desert vegetation abound; the ocotillo are growing tiny leaves along their long spindly stalks and cholla cacti are flourishing.
Cholla in the KOFA Wildlife Refuge, ArizonaOcotilla growing leaves along its long stems
In the distance, the rugged outline of mountains – Castle Dome Mountains, perhaps – reveal how “young” these mountains are.
Cholla with Castle Dome Mountains in the backgroundOcotilla with Castle Dome Mountains in the background
On the way back, we stop for a picnic on the bench at the KOFA information kiosk. There is a brisk wind now and our lunch is in danger of being blown away, but at least it is not so cold as it has been. Back at camp, I do some editing for Ang (Novels of Shannon – epic fantasy series by Angela MacDonald – very exciting series!), write another blog, and talk to daughter Becka when she calls. It was a very good and interesting day.
Monday January 30this an errand day, so no campfire this morning. We go to Ehrenberg, a small town to the west to pick up a month’s worth of mail sent from Wallace and a scientific instrument that Clifford ordered enroute. We try to avoid the busier post offices, but I ended up standing in line for at least a half hour at the Quartzsite post office, as a letter for me was sent there. That post office could certainly use more help.
Back at camp, I play cello outside for the first time in the week-and-a-half that we have been here. I feel kind of rusty having so many days go by without being able to play, but with luck we will have more warm and calm days coming up. Then more editing and blog-writing before and after dinner.
La Paz Cello
Tuesday January 31stis our last day here. Even though it is mostly clear and calm, instead of being outside, I have my nose to the grindstone taking care of email for CI and other internet business, as we might not have cell service at our next location. I clean out and organize Blazer in the later afternoon in preparation for leaving tomorrow. Then the usual editing and blog-writing in the evening.
Our home at La Paz for almost two weeksLast sunset at La Paz
In spite of the hundreds of RVs parked all over the desert around Quartzsite, it was an enjoyable stay with the Quartzfest – people with a common interest coming together – and then a few extra days just to enjoy the desert.
Quartzfest is the annual gathering of amateur radio operators and their spouses at the La Paz BLM dispersed camping area south of Quartzsite, Arizona. There were events and activities all day, every day. Clifford attended classes on portable antennas, vertical antennas, drones, the Red Cross, RV Refrigeration, participated in the antenna shoot-out, and studied for his ham test, which he took and passed with flying colors (he now has his Extra Class license).
I went to a photography class, a card-making class, and attended a daily women’s circle. Daily we went to Happy Hour – the afternoon gathering where the events and activities of the day were reviewed, upcoming activities were announced, and raffle prizes handed out.
There were nearly 800 people in attendance at this Quartzfest, most of them camped in the desert for the week in everything from cars to giant 5thwheels. Bus-size motor homes were very popular and a few tents were set up. The events were either held in open-sided tents or out in the open. Usually the weather this time of the year is mild with daytime temperatures in the 60’s to 70’s. However, this year the daytime temperatures were mid-50’s, and with the overcast sky and a very chilly wind it seemed much colder. Several events were canceled due to the winds. But even so, people showed up activities and Happy Hour, bundled up in winter coats, hats and gloves. Clifford and I were camped about the equivalent of two blocks from the event center, so we made several trips daily, walking back and forth in the blustery wind, to attend classes and events.
A photo contest was one of the highlights of the week. As I mentioned earlier, I was not too inspired to take photographs here, as being surrounded by RVs in the desert is not really my thing.
However, I certainly couldn’t resist the opportunity to enter the contest. There were five categories: Technical, People, Pets, Nature, and General. I started looking around for photo opportunities, but even with the intention of taking photos for a contest, I didn’t come up with much. I reviewed and narrowed my photos for the week down to five and, just by chance, I had one photo to enter in each category.
On Friday, the top five photos in each category, out of hundreds of submissions, were posted on the bulletin board. I was quite delighted to see that two of my five entries had made it to this pared-down selection. For the rest of the day, people voted on their favorites. At the closing ceremony on Saturday, 3rd place, 2nd place, and 1st places winners were called up. My photo of a parrot on the shoulder of one of the volunteers took 2nd place in Pets
and my photo of a saguaro, taken right at the main fire-ring during one Happy Hour, took first place in the Nature category. Then, the professional photographer who gave the class chose one photo overall as the Grand Prize winner. To my surprise and delight, the saguaro, which he called Portrait of a Cactus, won the Grand Prize.
Hooray for me! In spite of not being very inspired, I still pulled the best out of what was available to me.
It was a fun week. I’m guessing we’ll go again and maybe next time it will be warmer.
Friday January 20th– this Buckeye BLM place in the Sonoran desert of Arizona is very peaceful and would be an okay place to set up for awhile, except that we need to get to the Quartzsite area today.
Buckeye BLM in the early morning
Clifford has a call with Dr. W and Dr. S this morning, so I don’t do much packing until the call is done. After the call, we finish packing and are soon on our way. The drive north on state highway 85 to I-10 is easy, but once we head west on the interstate, it becomes increasingly windy. Thank goodness for the new sway bar which provides some stability in regard to both the wind and the semi traffic.
At Quartzsite we turn south on hwy 95 and drive to the La Paz turnoff, passing La Posa, the BLM long-term dispersed camping area where hundreds and hundreds of RVs dot the landscape. La Paz is also BLM dispersed camping, but is short-term only and appears to be where gatherings are held. We are here for Quartzfest, the week-long convention of amateur radio enthusiasts. Our entire trip has been geared to being here by today. Wow, we made it!
We drive around and find a spot alongside a wash, as the little gullies across the sandy desert floors are called, with a palo verde tree and several creosote bushes to provide some privacy. There aren’t so many people along this section of the wash, which is nice, but we will have a bit of a walk to get to the main fire-ring/gathering area for the events and activities.
Getting set-up; radio antennas outside and homey inside
As we are setting up, it starts to rain, and as the evening goes on, heavier rain and strong winds buffet us. I don’t sleep well – too many sounds: the ambient sound of thousands of generators across the desert, highway traffic, water rushing down the wash (which was totally dry earlier today), and something loose slapping against the side of Terry, our RV.
Saturday, January 21st– I am up about 8:00 a.m. CT (Clifford Time – he is still operating on Mountain Daylight Time) and it is barely light out. Almost all the water is gone from the wash, but we can see how high it got. A sunny day allows for more laptop time, so I do some editing, blog posting, and emails.
Not many people are camped along this section of the washAntennas are set up
A little walkabout provides time to take photos, but being surrounded in all directions by RVs doesn’t exactly inspire me. A cell photo posted on Facebook suffices to let people know where we are.
Sunday January 22 – it is overcast this morning with a little sprinkle, but nothing like yesterday’s rain. After breakfast we walk down to the Welcome Center, just checking things out. In the afternoon, I walk down again to get us registered and then awhile later we join others at the main fire-ring for the opening ceremony – introduction of organizers and volunteers, a run-down of upcoming events and activities, pointing out where such will take place, and a generous raffle. There are at least a hundred people gathered for this.
Gathering in the late afternoon – looking at the cloudsSunset at La Paz
In the evening, I do some editing for Becka while we listen on the radio as people help guide late-comers in. It is confusing to find one’s way around in the daylight, let alone after dark. Tomorrow the activities will begin in earnest.
Monday January 16th is moving day again. I am up in time to catch the first light on the Dragoon Mountain slope on the west side of the little canyon, Cochise Stronghold, were we have been camped for a week. The color is especially rich and vivid, but only for a moment. This is one of my favorite places and I am sorry that we have to move on.
Especially rich vivid color on the Dragoon MountainGood-bye to Cochise Stronghold Campground
We take a different route out to I-10 and see a sign that says “Fissures May Exist” – not too encouraging when heading off into the wilds. But we make it safely through, not seeing any fissures. Once on I-10, the drive is especially hard because of the wind and so much traffic. It is quite a relief to reach Synder Hill, the BLM dispersed camping area west of Tucson. We drive around, looking for a spot to call home, finding a place with a couple of creosote bushes and a nice view of the hill. Even though we are only going to be here a couple of days, Clifford gets all of his ham radio antennas set up, while I make things homey inside.
Camping at Synder Hill BLM
In the afternoon, I hike up the north end of Synder Hill to take photos at sunset. Even though it is not my most favorite camping place, it will be fine for the time we are here.
Sunset colors on clouds to the north of Synder Hill
Tuesday January 17th is sunny in the morning with increasing big fluffy cumulus clouds drifting into the scene.
Cumulus clouds drift into the scene
After showers and breakfast, we get ready to go to Tucson. Our friend, Dan, arrives, as he is going in with us. They drop me off at the laundromat while they go on to Camping World to buy a sway-bar, a device that Dan recommends to help us be more stable and safer on the highways when towing Terry. When they come back to pick me up, we go to a Mexican seafood restaurant and have a really yummy lunch.
Back at camp, we make plans for Dan to come again to help us pack a wheel bearing, as a bent axle puts stress on one wheel more that the others. Then Clifford and I sit in the sunshine, enjoying the light and the warmth of the afternoon.
Palo verde on Snyder HillBlue sky behind a palo verde tree
When Becka calls, I head up Synder Hill again, this time to a different spot and even more dramatic photos of the setting sun.
Sun nears the horizonThe sun has setSilhouettes at last light of day
Wednesday January 18this a Tucson shopping day, taking advantage of Costco and Trader Joe, my favorite places to go grocery shopping. Back at camp, I put groceries away while Clifford naps and then hang outside to chat when Becka calls. Later I start packing, as we will be leaving in the morning.
Thursday January 19th – Today is Clifford’s birthday, so I sing Happy Birthday to him when he wakes up and give him a T-shirt that says “Home is Where You Park It” with a design of a little RV.
Happy Birthday, Clifford!
We finish preparations for travel and are ready when Dan comes to help pack the wheel bearing, which means that he did it while Clifford watched. He also helps us adjust the sway bar just right. What a neat special friend!
Terry is ready to rollDan packs the wheel bearings while Clifford holds the can of grease
Then we are on our way, with a stop in Gila Bend for gas, and Clifford helps some guys get their car loaded onto a trailer.
Interesting rock formation before I-8 south of Phoenix
Then we head north to the Buckeye BLM dispersed camping area, driving out into the desert and finding an isolated spot to park for the night, with the nearest neighbors at least a half-mile away.
Sonoran desert west of PhoenixHome for the night at Buckeye BLM
I wouldn’t mind staying here for awhile, but we have a destination to reach tomorrow.
Friday January 13th, since we are not going backpacking, we decide to go to Tombstone today. Right after breakfast, we leave our campground at Cochise Stronghold and head south. Tombstone is a lot of fun as we browse the shops and learn more of the history of the Old West. I bought a couple of skirts in one of the shops, a real splurge for me, but clothing that I will enjoy wearing. We had lunch at the Longhorn Saloon, as well as spending time in the Tombstone Epitaph, the local newspaper, and Clifford talked to the owner of the bookstore, a scholarly gentleman in his 80’s, the historian of Tombstone, who is largely responsible for its comeback as a viable town.
Stage coach on Tombstone main streetCovered wagon on Tombstone main streetThe original bar from the Bird Cage Saloon and Theatre – one of few buildings that didn’t burn down at some time or another
We arrive back at camp at dusk. While Clifford naps, I edit for Ang (Novels of Shannon by Angela MacDonald, a really exciting epic fantasy/adventure series) and pick photos for the next blog.
Saturday January 14th is day 100 of our trip.
Color at dawnSunrise glow on east-facing slope – Dragoon Mountains
I make a cup of tea in the to-go cup and hike the interpretive trail, a short trail with many interpretive signs regarding the history of the area – the Native Americans who had lived here for centuries before the coming of the white man, and the ensuing hardships for those cultures when miners, hunters, settlers, and soldiers moved into the region. After breakfast, I make a thermos of coffee, pack up my laptop and the hotspot, and head up the nature trail, as at the high point, facing the open desert plain far below and away, I can get on the internet. I download files from Ang and take care of emails and texts. I sit on the bench, enjoying the view, while I talk to my daughter Becka. She is familiar with Joshua Tree, which is a destination we are considering.
Enjoying the views from the nature trail bench
In the afternoon Clifford goes over to the next drainage to set up his night-vision camera in a different spot and from there he looks down on a 15+ herd of javelinas. In doing some research on them, we learn they can be quite nasty and dangerous, and I think the Middle March Trail where we had considered backpacking is part of the same drainage where Clifford saw these beasts. Probably a good thing the backpacking was postponed.
Woodpecker that frequents the campsite
I make potato salad for our friends who will be coming to visit tomorrow. I had planned on a campfire this afternoon, but it has gotten too gusty and is starting to rain. I cover my wood pile, which is a good thing, because later a heavy rain moves in. I continue to edit until the laptop battery is dead. Between the shade and the clouds, I am not getting my laptop charged enough to keep up with things, let alone the awkwardness of having to go up the trail to get on the internet. Head to bed a bit earlier tonight, as my usual evening activity is photo editing and blog writing, which I can’t do tonight since the laptop still needs charging.
Sunday January 15th, the rain continues during the night and when I get up this morning, I go for a walk in the rain.
Walking in the rainWalking in the rain in the Dragoon Mountains
No wood-gathering today, as everything is wet, but it is so refreshing to be outside. Get hold of our friends to see if they want to postpone our get-together on account of the rain, but no, they are all coming: Jimi, our camp host friend from last year is coming with her husband, Daniel, and another camper we met while we were here last here, Dan, is on his way. Dan is one of the most colorful and interesting fellows we have ever met.
Dan in the buffalo coat that he made
The rain lets up in the afternoon and I get a campfire going. Luckily, when Dan arrives with Alice, his ridgeback/red heeler, he has brought a good amount of dry wood with him. He also brought several buckets of KFC! Jimi and Daniel arrive with more food. Due to impending more rain, we leave the food inside Terry, but after filling up our plates, we all sit around the campfire, eating and enjoying great conversation.
The rain begins again, but by now the campfire is quite a warm blaze and we are quite comfortable as we sit around.
Impending rain in the Dragoon MountainsRain on the way
Before everyone leaves, Jimi and I go for a short hike on the nature trail to take photos of the manzanita whose reddish bark is even more striking when wet with rain.
Manzanita bush
What a fun day! What a great place. Too bad we have to leave tomorrow.
Monday January 9th, I am up before Clifford, but have no time to walk in the rocks.
Last morning view of City of Rocks
Once Clifford is up, I finish packing the inside while he does the outside. We discover, unfortunately, that our rear-view camera is no longer working. That is a real drag, as it is an important safely feature. Someone looking for a space pulls into ours as we are pulling out. Popular place!
Smooth travel most of the way, but the wind picks up from Wilcox, Arizona, on. Sure glad to get off the interstate onto highway 191 south, which takes us to the small community of Sunsites, where we stop at the post office to pick up a package waiting for us – a research instrument that Clifford had ordered. From there we drive on out to Cochise Stronghold. It is late afternoon by time we get to the Stronghold and we are fortunate to find an available spot in this very small campground. We get set up, happy to be here. This place has a very special ambiance.
Cochise Stronghold is a small canyon within the Dragoon Mountains with a creek flowing through it, partially underground, and a thick stand of oak trees providing a home for many birds and wild animals.
Gentle wildlife at our campsite (photo by Clifford)Bear tracks in the sand in the dry creek bed near camp
In the very rugged mountains surrounding this natural sanctuary, the Apache chief, Cochise, kept his people hidden from soldiers who pursued them for several years.
Tuesday January 10th, I walk the nature trail twice this morning, once for photos and again to collect firewood and to use the cell phone to contact my girls. Cell phones don’t work well at the campsite, but are better up on the trail.
Dawn light on the cloud cover at Cochise StrongholdSunrise brings a golden glow to the mountain on the west side of the canyon
Jimi, the campground host whom we met here last year, comes out today to visit (she is not hosting here currently), as she and I became friends when we were before. We catch up on what’s new and have lunch at a campfire. So fun to see her again.
So fun to see Jimi again
Wednesday January 11th is errand day in Sunsites for us. Clifford has to take care of paypal issues for another instrument he has ordered. We first go to Marcia’s Garden, where Marcia makes and sells goat milk/essential oils soaps, lotions, creams, and salves. Besides browsing the delightful shop, it is fun is seeing the goats, who come right up to the fence to say hi. Then we go to a nearby friendly market for a few items. Nice to have this grocery store in a community as small as Sunsites. Clifford has taken care of his paypal business and we head back to camp, but too late to play cello outside, even though today would have been warm enough. The sun goes behind the mountains early here. Luckily, my laptop is charged enough that I can do some editing for Ang (Novels of Shannon epic fantasy/adventure series) and some photo editing for myself.
Thursday January 12th I hike beyond the nature trail this morning searching for firewood. I find some, but it sure is a long way back to camp with my load.
The morning light is irresistible to photograhersCrossing the creek on my way to gathering wood for a campfireZen rockwork at the creek crossing on my way back to camp – I know it wasn’t there on my way up.
In the afternoon Clifford and I hike a mile up the Cochise Trail to the spring. On the way back, we detour on the Middle March Trail looking for a place where we might go backpacking. Even though we consider a short backpack outing while we are here, the fact is that there are more hours of darkness than light in the canyon, which is not ideal for backpacking, as it makes for a very long night.
Boulders lean against each other forming an almost secret view into a lush creek bottomCrossing the creek on the Cochise TrailHiking with Clifford on the Cochise TrailResting at the spring on the Cochise TrailPatterns on the rocks along the Cochise TrailHikers seen hiking in the rocks on the Cochise Trail
Back at camp, it is already too shady and cool in the campground for cello. Hmmm… sure haven’t been making this cello thing work out recently. Perfect for a campfire, however, so I sit out and treat myself to a second cup of coffee while I write in my journal. Later, after the campfire dies down, we have dinner and then I do some editing for Ang and write the next blog. A fine busy day at Cochise Stronghold.
November 12, 2015 to May 7, 2016: One week short of six months, over 4000 miles, and hundreds of photos later, we have returned to Wallace, Idaho. It was a memorable six months, not only because we traveled so far, but for all the places we saw, the places we camped, people we met – family, old friends, new friends, and angels in disguise.
Terry at Sunrise in the Sonoran Desert National Monument, Arizona – our furthest campsite from Wallace, Idaho
I took photos every day, sometimes only a couple, but most days lots of photos; almost every day I posted a journey post on FB with photos, sharing the journey with all who cared to join us in this way. I hardly ever missed a day in spite of power and internet restrictions that accompanied us most of the time. I suppose it would have a more relaxed trip had I not set this as a goal for myself, but seeing the world – what is most beautiful or most meaningful – is what I do. Seeing a beautiful sunset or morning light on a mountainside or hoarfrost on pines is not just a neat experience for me alone; it is an experience that demands to be shared.
Sunset at City of Rocks State Park, New Mexico – an Experience that demands to be shared
Clifford studied, researched, or worked on research papers every day that we were not actually traveling. He acquired sophisticated portable scientific instruments to compliment the portable lab. His dedication to his work did not waver, even given the limited space he had to work in.
Once we returned home, I saw that for many people the last six months were same-o-same-o, little ups and downs, nothing really different, nothing outstanding. For me, the last six months were filled with ups and downs, also, but they were Big ups and downs, events and experiences that gave depth and quality to my life. I am enriched by having done this journey, not knowing from one short time period to the next what we might encounter: beautiful weather – or snow and cold; great photo opps camping and hiking – or only a few shots through the tinted window of a moving vehicle; being well – or not being well and having to deal with it; spending days and days with no one but Clifford – or meeting people: some just passing through and some whose lives will intermingle with mine onward; beautiful camping spots where I’d love to stay forever – or a Walmart parking lot where I have to pick up trash just to be okay with being there. It wasn’t always an easy journey for me, but it was a good one. Living in an 8 x 16 foot space with someone day-in and day-out means some compromises, but it also makes me much more appreciative of what’s comfortable and convenient, and more accepting of what’s not. Things are less about good or bad, like or don’t like, and much more about It Is What It Is, and being grateful to be a part of the process. Of course, for a very long time I’ve had the intellectual understanding of the importance of being appreciative and accepting, but now it is a deeper part of my being; it is not so much something that I have to work at as something that I am: Happy for No Reason – not all the time every day, but on a more on-going basis than I’ve experienced before.
Things that stand out:
Snowy as we leave Idaho with Blazer and Pony (our small pop-up), our departure from Belgrade, Montana is delayed by several hours due to snow, more snow changes our itinerary by time we reach Wyoming.
Postcard pretty, snow in Belgrade delays our departure after visiting son Tye and his lovely family.
Crossing eastern Montana, snow forces us to change our itinerary.
Mid-Wyoming snow storm and cold temps at Glendo State Park provide photo opportunities that are exciting for me, but also contribute to both of us becoming sick. Clifford recovers in a few days; it is weeks before I fully recover. Daughter Becka and a friend from Santa Fe provide warm dry lodging when I needed it the most. Thanks!!
Snow storm in Wyoming with Pony (our pop-up tent trailer)
Hoarfrost on PInes
Heading south: several inches of snow at Three Rivers campground north of Tularosa, New Mexico, but it is great being here until Goliath (the news-worthy blizzard on December 26th) comes raging through, nearly wiping us out.
Sunset on the Sacramento Mountains
Sunset on the Sacramento Mountains
Goliath Approaches
A day later, Goliath begins to abate and we are still in one piece, more-or-less.
Goliath has gone, leaving both destruction and beauty in its wake.
The search begins for a hard-shell RV, not an easy task given our restrictions. We go all the way to Phoenix, Arizona, to get Terry, an older, but sturdy RV that falls within our budget, weight limit, and floor plan. We narrowly escape a near-disasterous incident before we even get out of Phoenix, but back at Colossal Cave outside of Tucson where we are camped, we set up home in Terry and sell our much-loved Pony.
Terry: a 19-foot older RV is a great find.
Desert camping: Colossal Cave, Arizona – having been here before, we knew we liked it.
Arroyo at Colossal Cave running with rain water
Special treat while at Colossal Cave: visit from Katie and her kids
Campsite at Colossal Cave surrounded by saguaros
The Sonoran Desert National Monument southwest of Phoenix looks bare and desolate as we approach, but I fall in love with it: two weeks of solitude with long walks and campfires to warm the chill morning air.
Falling in love with the Sonoran Desert National Monument
Campfire in the Desert
Rock mosaic made from Sonoran Desert rocks gathered on daily walks
Sunset in the Sonoran Desert National Monument
The Carnicom Brothers Reunion in Tucson, Arizona.
Cochise Stronghold, another place I fall in love with, as well as feeling a special connection to this rock mountain. I become friends with the camp host and others with whom we stay in touch.
Morning Light at Cochise Stronghold in the Dragoon Mountains of Arizona
Sotol in the Dragoon Mountains
Hiking in the Dragoon Mountains
City of Rocks State Park, New Mexico – what a really cool place to camp for two week. While there, I meet a woman who has become a special friend – I expect we will meet again on the road.
Cook’s Peak from City of Rocks at Sunrise
Sunrise at City of Rock, New Mexico
The Moon Setting at Sunrise in City of Rocks
Blazer and Terry – Camping at City of Rocks
Great Horned Owls at City of Rocks at Sunset
Leaving Arizona, Percha Dam State Park, New Mexico, is the first campground where we have plugged into electricity. We catch up on projects that need power and internet.
The once powerful Rio Grande is but a shadow of its former self – Percha Dam State Park
The mesa on the far side of the Rio Grande, seen from Percha Dam State Park at sunset.
The journey northward begins: Camping at Cochiti Lake, New Mexico, waiting for better weather around Santa Fe, and hiking in nearby Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument.
Giant Fairyland – my favorite rock formation at Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument
Villanueva State Park east of Santa Fe, New Mexico, bypassing cold weather at Santa Fe, (or so we thought),…..
Pecos River at Villanueva State Park, New Mexico
followed by camping in the mountains north of Santa Fe at Hyde State Park, …..and more snow.
Hyde State Park north of Santa Fe – Snow Photo Opportunities in April
Snow on Aspens at Hyde State Park
I was delighted with the snow; everyone else in the campground seemed to think I was nuts, being all excited about taking photos of snow.
Two weeks at Santa Fe visiting friends and working with our webmaster, Kaylee, to construct a new website for me.
Leaving Santa Fe, we stay at Villanueva again to wait out another snow storm – 20 inches of new snow right where we are headed in Colorado.
Pecos River at Villanueva State Park: New leaves on trees adds color to the scene.
After visiting friends in Colorado, the journey is comprised of one-night stands in Walmart parking lots and rest areas, and brief visits with more friends and family once we reach Montana.
And finally, back to Wallace, Idaho. It is good to be back AND we are already planning our next outing. More adventures await!