Thursday March 16th – I am up early, before sunrise so I can catch the first light on the blossoms on a family of Joshua trees in the campground.
Sunlight on Joshua tree blossomsJoshua tree blossoms, sunlight, and moonJoshua tree blossoms at sunrise
In continuing on my morning walk, I run into David, the friendly fellow I met yesterday, and another neighbor. In commenting about the jet trails marring the sky, it turns out that David is quite aware of the phenomenon and very interested in learning about Clifford’s research.
Today is an editing day for me, but also a good cello-in-the-shade day. Hooray! It is a “biochemical-analyzer” day for Clifford as he learns more of the capabilities of this instrument.
Friday March 17th – My morning quiet time is a few minutes of sitting on the canyon rim, more of a slope than a drop-off, and then writing in my journal, warmed by the sun.
View from the doorway
I walk around the campground and talk to David and several of the other neighbors that I have met. What a friendly campground this is – I think perhaps because there are so many snow-birds. We are all of a similar age and living a similar lifestyle, which makes it easy and interesting to talk about where we’ve been and where we are going, sharing the memories of common places and learning of new places.
More editing for me and more chemical analyzer testing for Clifford.
Loving this beautiful desert canyon spot!
Nearing sunset at the Virgin River Canyon
Saturday March 18th – This morning I walk to the lower campground, which doubles as a rest stop along I-15. I walked along the trail below the rim, which is private, quiet, and scenic… and this walk is my quiet time.
Joshua trees along the below the rim trailView of the Virgin River from the below the rim trailJoshua tree at the Virgin River
Back at camp, I spend much of the day editing for two authors. In the evening I edit photos for the next couple of blogs. No cello today, as it was too hot and windy.
Sunday March 19th – After my quiet time of sitting on the canyon rim, I take care of internet business, including banking, emailing completed edited chapters to my authors, and posting a photo on Celebrate What’s Right With the World, a FB site that I follow. As I’m preparing photos for the next blog, I am undecided about which of several sunsets that I want to include and decide to have a contest on FB, posting seven sunset photos, all taken within moments of each other, and having my FB friends chose which one they like best. This will be interesting.
David comes by and suggests meeting for a late lunch at his site, so I get busy and make a potato salad to share. We gather at David’s site, joining him and three of his kids who are there for a visit, as well as a couple other neighbors. Of course, they are interested in Clifford’s work, but the talk centers around life in general and about the journeys we are all on.
Later in the day, David joins me on my walk down to the lower campground, which gives us more time to chat.
Flowers along the road
Lots of things on the “to-do” list don’t get done today, but that is okay. Spending quality time with people is more important.
Tuesday March 14th– We are up about 8:30 and soon packed and ready to leave. Although it is pleasant in the early morning here at Cottonwood Cove Campground, we know it will soon be hotter than we like, so we are continuing north. We make it safely through Las Vegas, Nevada. I-15 between Las Vegas and St. George, Utah, cuts through the very northwestern corner of Arizona and it is along this stretch of interstate that the Virgin River BLM Campground is located, and where we arrive by mid-afternoon.
Virgin River Canyon, northwest ArizonaAnother view of the Virgin River Canyon
We have never been here, but the location was right for us and the reviews indicated scenic views, so this was our destination. We are not disappointed; the views are fabulous and we are lucky to find a pull-through spot on the outer loop overlooking the Virgin River Canyon. Facing south when we park is not ideal, but other than that, we are very pleased with the site and get set up, including ham radio antennas and a tarp for an awning.
Set up on the edge of the Virgin River Canyon
Within a few minutes of being here, we meet several of our neighbors, most of them curious about the antenna; this seems to be an unusually friendly campground, with a mix of long-term snow-birds (like us) slowly heading north and younger people stopping on their way to or from some other destination, as well as weekenders with families.
View of the Virgin River and the canyon as seen from Terry – this is our front yard!More of our front yard at Virgin River Canyon
In the evening, I hike down to the river.
At the bottom of the Virgin River CanyonThe Virgin River
I am delighted to find Joshua trees here as I hike back up to the campsite. What a great place this is!
Joshua tree on the ridge
Wednesday March 15th – off to a great start this morning with a campfire and a few minutes of quiet time, just sitting facing the river below and the red cliffs opposite, feeling the sun on my face. Make a cup of tea and write in my journal. This is how I would like to start most every day, but it doesn’t often happen.
Joshua tree at Virgin River Canyon
I meet another neighbor, David, as he comes by, also curious about the antenna. I thought he was joking when he asked if it was to pick up alien signals. He is very friendly and having a large family himself, he is curious to know about my kids and actually listens as I mention each of them briefly.
And cello outside today, sitting in the shade of our tarp.
Virgin River Canyon Cello
I walk about picking up trash (of which there is not very much) and bits of dead wood to use for kindling, as well as scavenging wood from abandoned campfires. I hike down to the Virgin River twice, which at this time of year is quite muddy; Clifford goes with me the second time.
Hiking around the bendAnother hike with Clifford
Becka calls on here way to her evening activity… I’m glad cell service here is decent and we can chat. I can also access the net and am able to download documents that need editing.
I am delighted with the late afternoon light as it hits the cholla that cover the slope below the campground.
Afternoon light on chollaAfternoon light on cholla
Clifford spends much of his day using the biochemical analyzer instrument.
This was a fun and productive day for both of us – what a great place to be this time of the year.
Good-bye to Synder Hill – it has been a good spot for the past two weeks.
Sunday March 12th – our friend Dan comes to see us off as we prepare to leave Synder Hill BLM camping area west of Tucson, Arizona. It is about noon before we pull out, having done all the extra checks to make sure hitch, lights, brakes, tow bar and such are all functioning properly, since this is the first time for Suburban to tow Terry.
The desert is very green, but hard to get photos from the moving vehicle that show it adequately.
Arizona Desert – looking greenArizona Desert – looking green
I-10 is busy, as usual, and very windy, but Suburban definitely handles it better.
Hanging out with the Big Boys at a rest stop along I-10
We decide to not stop at the Buckeye BLM Recreation Area for the night, but continue on LaPaz, south of Quartzsite, arriving about an hour before dark. Hardly anyone here; so different than when we were here for Quartzfest in January. We park near where we were last time, but with more shade, since the daytime temperatures are in the 90’s rather than the 50’s.
Setting up camp at LaPaz, south of Quartzsite, ArizonaSonoran desert at LaPaz near sundown
We have an easy dinner with minimal cleanup and then sit out to enjoy the last of the evening light. This will be a good place to spend the night.
Monday March 13th – I am up before Clifford and walk about, enjoying the cool lovely morning.
The moon sets in the cool morning at LaPazand the sun rises, bringing light to the dayTerry and Suburban at first light
Desert loveliness
We are ready to go by 9:30 and head north on State Highway 95 to Parker, Arizona, where we stop at a Walmart for supplies. When we come out, we learn that some guy made too sharp of a turn pulling his rig through the parking lot and clipped Terry, putting a dent in the side panel. Fortunately, he was honest about it and the injury did not cause damage inside, but we will be contacting his insurance company to see about repairs.
From Parker to the Nevada state line, the road is narrow and winding with no shoulder and lots of traffic. Crossing over the state line into Nevada, the highway is a 4-laner as good as an interstate highway…. so much easier traveling. Turning east off highway 95, we take a road that winds steeply down to the bottom of the gorge, arriving at Cottonwood Cove Campground in mid-afternoon. Cottonwood Cove is on the Nevada side of Lake Mohave, the southern portion of the Lake Mead Recreation Area. We are lucky to find a spot with a big old eucalyptus tree for shade and get set up.
Cottonwood Cove Campsite – parked under a big eucalyptus tree
After a snack of fruit, cheese, and crackers, while Clifford naps, I go down to the lake to take photos. Becka calls and we have a nice chat as I walk.
Lake Mohave on the Nevada side
We have leftovers for dinner, keeping meals simple on travel days. Then we sit outside, enjoying the summer-like temperatures of the evening hours. This is a pretty enough spot, but it will be very hot here during the day, so we opt to continue on north tomorrow.
We are still at Synder Hill BLM dispersed camping area west of Tucson. This week is centered around getting the Suburban ready to be our towing vehicle and Terry ready to be towed, with lots of help from our friend, Dan, who is quite the clever and helpful guy! Electric brakes, new hitch on the Suburban, new tongue hitch on Terry, repairs to the roof, and so on.
Carol and Clifford at Synder Hill BLM area west of Tucson, ArizonaTerry and Suburban at our Synder Hill BLM campsite
Highlights include: a trip to Tucson for errands and finding a new Bookman’s store, which was a great place to hang out, with good finds for both of us; editing and emailing several chapters of Princes of Purt to Ang – we are nearing the end of this book, (the next in the Novels of Shannon series by Angela MacDonald); blog writing when the laptop battery is charged; cello outside on rare calm days; calls with my daughters – always great to talk to them; and a play-day with Dan, which includes breakfast at the Three Point Cafe and a trip up the Baboquivari Mountain to the Kit Peak National Observatory, with a stop at a small farmers market on the way back to camp.
Kit Peak National Observatory – Arizona
Heading up the Baboquivari Mountain to Kit Peak – notice the observatory on the peak to the rightAnother view of Baboquivari PeakBaboquivari Peak, sacred to the Native Americans of the are, as seen from Kit PeakFriend Dan, Carol, and Clifford at the Kit Peak Visitors’ Center
Tomorrow we will continue our journey northward, slightly retracing our previous path before heading into new territory. It has been a good stay, but we are ready to move on.
Friday February 24th – It is 27 degrees and a bitter cold wind – kind of limits outdoor photos, but we are leaving this morning, anyway.
Leaving our campsite at Belle Campground, Joshua Tree NP
We head on south through Joshua Tree NP, warm inside Blazer, noticing how green the desert is.
Once on I-10, I have cell service and catch up on texts, emails, and calls with my cell.
Rock formations along I-10 in Arizona
We take the Buckeye exit before Phoenix and drive on out to the Buckeye BLM Recreation Area. We find a nice spot not far from where we were last time we were here.
Overnight at Buckeye BLM Recreation AreaA walk in the desert before sunset
The temperature is mild enough that I play cello outside a bit, go for a walk at sunset, and then edit for my authors in the evening. Clifford does his usual evening stuff, but less with the radios than usual, since he is not taking time to set up antennas.
Saturday February 25th – We pack up and head out first thing this morning, stopping in Gila Bend for gas. On the outskirts of Tucson, we stop at Cracker Barrel for lunch – what a nice break from driving! West of Tucson, we travel to the Synder Hill BLM dispersed camping area. The spot where we parked in January is available, but there are several noisy generators nearby, so we go in search of a different spot and find one that is much better – level and a couple of mesquite trees beside a wash.
A couple of mesquite trees for shade
We have a little shade, a nice front yard, and a view of Synder Hill. Although Synder Hill is not my favorite camping area, our spot is a fine place for the time being. We get set up inside and out, including antennas, then sit out in our lawn chairs to enjoy the warmth of the late afternoon sunlight.
Sunday February 26th – I enjoy a campfire this morning as I sit outside and write in my journal.
Morning campfire at Synder Hill
Our friend Dan comes and we have lots of projects that he helps with, especially as he brings a ladder so we can get up and do some work on the roof. We go to the town of Three Point about 12 miles away for lunch at the Three Point Cafe. Tiny town, but it has an Ace Hardware, a gas station, and a small market where I buy local honey. Back at camp, it is too breezy to play cello outside and even though we thought we were charging batteries while we were gone, a fuse is blown, and nothing is charged. My laptop dies while I am editing photos. I am trying to “go with the flow,” but this lack of battery is frustrating. I am so far behind with posts, I wonder if I will ever get caught up. Arrangements are made to meet the Suburban and its owner, Marty, tomorrow.
Monday February 27th – Dan comes here and then we all go to meet Suburban and Marty. Clifford drives Suburban; Marty drives Blazer. Then the men share what is known about the vehicles. In the end, an agreement is reached with Blazer being part of a trade. Plans are made to meet at the DMV tomorrow to give us time to clean Blazer out and go to the bank.
I learn that my daughter Katie, who owns the house in Idaho where we live in the upstairs apartment when not traveling, has moved her family to the house, opting for a more simple lifestyle. It will be fun to have them as our downstairs neighbors when we get back to Idaho.
Tuesday February 28th– We get up early and clean out Blazer, which takes some work, as we carry much of our stuff in the back, not to mention ham radio gear, backup camera, and such stuff that has to be dismantled to be removed. A 12-volt vacuum cleaner and a good wipe-down makes Blazer look pretty good. We meet Marty at the DMV: all the formalities and exchange of money and titles takes place. The Suburban is ours!
Suburban and Clifford at Synder Hill
Back at camp, we load everything from Blazer back into Suburban and are pleased with how much room we have. A sprinkle of rain creates a rainbow – a good sign.
A rainbow – a good signI love seeing a rainbow
It is too windy for cello, but we go for a drive at sunset to try out the “new” vehicle, which will be so much safer for us and more comfortable, also.
Wednesday February 22nd – We pack up this morning, as we are heading back to Joshua Tree NP; driving south through the park it is the shortest route to get us back to Tucson. Looking at the calendar and the atlas, we make travel plans so as to camp in the park and have a day for exploration. We find out at the entrance gate that finding a spot could be an issue, as several campgrounds are small with a 16’ limit. Luckily, the first campground on our route is Belle with an available campsite even though the sign says FULL. We pull into the spot,
Campsite at Belle Campground in Joshua Tree NP
but before we set up, we walk around the campground. Many of the sites are quite close together, so we are more than happy with our lucky find.
After we get set up, I walk out through the Joshua trees to the hills, which are giant boulder piles.
Joshua tree forestJoshua tree with blossoms coming onRock hills at Belle Campground
I find a nifty little arch, so go back to our campsite to get Clifford so he can see it, also.
A nifty arch in the rocks
After looking at the arch, we walk to another rock hill and find a vantage point from which to watch the setting sun.
Sunset coming soonClifford finds a vantage point to watch the sunsetThe setting of the sun at Joshua Tree NP
Because of the wind, we go inside once we get back to camp and do our usual evening things, grateful for the opportunity to be here.
Thursday February 23rd– Super windy and cold, but beautiful blue sky this morning.
Joshua tree blossoms
Today was meant to be our exploration day, but it is so cold and windy that we don’t leave until early afternoon. We plan to just drive around, but not do any hiking. However, when we get to the Skull Rock turnout, the sun has warmed the air enough that we do go for a hike.
Hiking near Skull RockHiking near Skull Rock in Joshua Tree NP
Then we drive through Jumbo Rocks Campground, as it is the largest campground in the northern part of the park. The landscape is interesting, but the campsites are small and really really close together – designed for friendly people camping in tents, I guess.
At Hidden Valley, we find a pretty spot in the picnic area, but it is so windy that we end up sitting in the car to eat.
Picnic at Hidden Valley – look how bundled up Clifford is
Then on to the trailhead and do the mile hike in Hidden Valley, which is a nearly-hidden lush desert valley where cattle rustlers used to hide their stolen cattle.
Hidden Valley hike in Joshua Tree NPRock formations in Hidden Valley
The tall hills that surround this valley are big piles of boulders, for the most part, and we can see where a creek sometimes runs through the valley bottom. We are protected from the wind here and warmed by the sun. What a great hike!
Hiking in Hidden Valley with Clifford – notice the small figure in the center of the photoHidden Valley formations and vegetationHidden Valley formations and vegetationHidden Valley formations and vegetationHidden Valley formations and vegetationHidden Valley formations and vegetationBlue sky at Hidden Valley
Back at camp we have dinner and do our usual evening activities.
Joshua tree at the campsite at end of dayPrickly pear near the end of day
Even though we are leaving in the morning, there isn’t really much to pack up this evening, as it was such a short stay. It is so pretty and unique here, I would love to stay longer, but Tucson is waiting.
Sunday February 19th – We are grateful for the stay at the Walmart parking lot during the rain, but today we pack up and head back to the BLM area north of Joshua Tree. This time we go in on a better road and find a spot that is higher ground with some gravel. I am still not thrilled with it, but it is better than the first spot. It is not as trashy, so easier to clean up around our spot, and there is a creosote bush – something green and alive.
Back in the BLM land, but a slightly different area than before
I make a firepit by digging a shallow wide hole in the sand. Becka calls and while we talk, I walk down the road to the nearest houses, trying to figure out which house she and Mike lived in. My quiet-time today is a late afternoon walk, picking up trash across the desert and salvaging what I can for a campfire.
Blazer and Terry in the desert north of Joshua Tree
My request to Higher Self: rather than being discontent when a great campsite is not available, be content and joyful no matter where we end up parking.
A creosote bush – alive and green – makes the desert more welcoming to me
Monday February 20th – Coolish morning, perfect for a campfire in the sand firepit.
Campfire and journal time
The neighbor, John, comes over, as he is interested in our solar panel. We visit a bit, and he will come back later to talk to Clifford. I make a pot of tea and write in my journal before getting on with the day. Sunny, so laptop is charged and I am able to do some editing today.
Play cello outside for a bit, but the wind comes up, so the session is short-lived. I cannot deal with the stand blowing over and music spilling all over.
Desert Cello
Later John comes over again to talk to Clifford. They have a good conversation, as he is also a scientist and they have similar veins of knowledge and experience. Although this BLM land is not that scenic to me, at least I feel peaceful being here.
Tuesday February 21st– Beautiful sunrise and I am doing my job per the birthday poem by Mary Oliver: I stand still, being astonished, loving the world, and feeling more connection to this rather barren land.
A rich sunrise, with vibrant red touching the cloudsA few minutes later the colors begin to mellow, less red, more orange.And finally, much softer orange and yellow swirls of colorTo the west, pretty pink lights up the mountain range between here and Los Angles.
I make a campfire and John comes over to visit and enjoy the campfire with me.
A campfire warms the chill morning air as the sun clears the horizon and melts the frost
Today Clifford and I have to make another trip to Yucca Valley, this time to get propane and water in preparation for our moving on. We go the Joshua Tree Saloon for lunch – Becka’s recommendation –and I browse the sweet gift shop next door, buying a few small gifts there.
Joshua Tree Saloon – looks like it has been here awhileLunch at the Joshua Tree SaloonA neat gift shop
We go to the post office and pick all the mail that has been sent to us: our mail from a Wallace, a Quartzfest T-shirt for Clifford, and a backup battery for my laptop. Back at camp, John comes over with his son to talk to Clifford. I want to play cello, but again it is too windy.
Later, as the sun sets, the wind dies down – too late for cello, but I have a little campfire and sit out to write in the journal before going in to begin sorting six-weeks worth of mail.
Wednesday, February 15th – We are up at 8:15 a.m. CT (Clifford Time, which is actually 6:15 a.m. in California – just so you know we are not slouches), packed, hooked up, and ready to leave by 11:15 a.m. I say good-bye to our desert home at Cottonwood Springs Campground and we are on our way.
Good-bye to our desert home at Cottonwood Springs Campground in Joshua Tree NP
We head north through the Joshua Tree National Park, passing by the Cholla Garden once again, and into new landscapes.
Cholla Garden
The land becomes even more boulder-strewn and the first Joshua trees appear.
Joshua trees begin to appear
Arriving at 29 Palms, we head west to the town of Joshua Tree. On the north side of town, there is an ancient now-dry lake bed that is a BLM dispersed camping area. Once we arrive, we pull off the rather narrow dirt road to set up camp. It is very barren land and I am not thrilled with it…. so different than the lush desert where we have been the past two week. There is only one type of shrub growing here, something that looks dead, across the entire expanse of desert. Not even any creosote, which seem to grow everywhere in the desert. We get set up and then head to town to check out the post office.
Back at camp, I play cello – this is a good place for it – no neighbors near enough to be disturbed by my somewhat rusty playing. We have cell service here, so are able to check email and do texts without having to drive anywhere. So those are the good things about being here. It is interesting that my daughter Becka lived right near here and could look out on this desert from her backyard.
Thursday February 16th – Some clouds and a little breeze this morning. Harder to find a place that seems right for a morning quiet-time walk. There is plenty of desert here, but it is not inviting to me. Although not close, there are RV’s in every direction, nothing seems to be alive, and trash everywhere. I pick up trash in ever-widening circles around our campsite, but there are also no dumpsters, so we are stuck with whatever I pick up.
Today we go to Yucca Valley, about 10 or 12 miles from where we are camped, as we need supplies and the town of Joshua Tree is too small for shopping.
Back at camp, I play cello a bit. There is a forecast for heavy rain in parts of California, so I put everything that is outside under a tarp. I am a bit uneasy about what I am hearing about this rain, as it could be a lot. However, Clifford is not concerned, so here we are – even though he had to use the come-along to help a couple of fellows get unstuck from the mud just across the basin from us. Hmmm…….
Friday, February 17th – It is 31 degrees this morning, cloudy, and very windy.
Our campsite in the BLM north of Joshua Tree. Clouds speak of impending rain.
A local guy on a 4-wheeler comes by to warn us, and others, about staying if the rain develops as forecast. This dry lake bed will become a bog. He has had the experience of seeing people stuck out here for a month. Well, being stuck for a couple days is one thing, but being stuck for a month is something else. So we pack up and head to the Walmart at Yucca Valley to hang out until the rain passes. This gives us the opportunity to get a bit more shopping done, use a bathroom with flush toilets, and take care of internet business, since cell reception is good here. In the cold and blustery wind, we walk to the Panda Express for dinner, which will save cooking and cleanup in our modified parking lot set up. There is rain in the evening and during the night, along with high winds. I am relieved to be here where we know we will not get stuck in the mud.
Saturday, February 18th – Light rain off and on all day. Doesn’t seem like as much rain came in as forecast, but better safe than sorry. Our bathroom is leaking through the light fixture, so obviously there was enough rain and wind to cause a bit of damage and leakage. I do only a limited amount of editing, as we cannot set up our solar panels to charge the laptop while we are here; there is no sunshine, anyway.
It is while we are here that our friend Dan in Tucson sends a cell pic of a 1999 Suburban that he thinks we might be interested in. It is for sale for a reasonable price and from talking to the owner, it seems that it has been well taken care of and is in good condition. So, after talking about it, we decide that we will return to Tucson to see and drive it. We have to stay in this area for a few more days to get mail that has been sent general delivery to Joshua Tree. We will move back out to the desert tomorrow, but plans are made to begin the trip back to Tucson.
Sunday, February 12th – I am up before sunrise again today, which I enjoy, as a stroll in the desert in the quiet of the morning is a great way to start the day.
Sunrise in the desertPlaying around with capturing sunrise
Today Clifford rewires the solar panel so it can be either on or off the controller. At one point, he thinks he has fried the controller, but luckily a fuse prevented damage. Whew! Next project is hooking up the new backup camera to the back end of Terry (our camper) and installing the monitor in the Blazer. I help with both of these projects, which takes up a large chunk of the day. Later we journey down to Bajada, as Clifford has a business call and I walk about taking photos, as usual, and send a few more texts.
Too windy for cello today – darn.
In the evening, I write the blog to go with the photos edited last night, so I will be ready for the next internet outing.
Monday, February 13th – I walk about the desert for my quiet morning time, trying to capture starbursts… and sometimes they work.
Starburst with yucca and creosote bushStarburst with yuccaStarburst with cholla
Back at camp, I sit outside to write in my journal until the wind drives me in. I do a lot of editing today, since being outside isn’t so fun with the wind. Clifford is focused on his radio gear, getting things to work as they should and making contacts all over the world. In the evening we go down to Bajada to take care of business. Clifford needs to stay current on emails regarding his non-profit and he has another business call; I post a blog, take care of my emails, and do a quick check of FB.
By time we get back to camp, it is too late fix a real dinner. Clifford heats up a can of soup; I have a smoothie, followed by yogurt and fruit for both of us – our usual bedtime snack.
Tuesday February 14th– It is cloudy and calm this morning as I do my desert walk and this morning I go all the way to the arroyo at the base of the rock hills, and there I find a patch of ocotillo in bloom. What a treat that is! Wish I had explored here sooner, as this is quite a lovely place.
Ocotillo in bloom
Back at camp, Clifford sees the Valentine card I left for him, and he makes breakfast for both of us. We sit outside to eat and I write in my journal, until the wind, which has now come up, drives us inside. I spend much of the afternoon editing and then hike in the afternoon, in spite of the wind. My plan was to hike toward Cottonwood Springs and where the trail crosses the arroyo, head back up the arroyo to where I found the ocotillo patch this morning. When I get to the arroyo crossing, I am not sure which branch to take to get me to the right ravine. I’m not worried about getting lost, but I am concerned about missing my way and not getting to the ocotillo patch before shadows overtake them. I try going along a ridge-top instead, until I come to a narrow spot that would be foolhardy to try since I don’t have my hiking sticks with me. Instead, I backtrack and then cut across to where I know where I am. After taking a few photos and making a short cell video, I go back at camp and talk Clifford in going to the arroyo with me to see the ocotillo in bloom. We also explore a few places along the arroyo where springs must have been, as there are willows and other non-desert plants tucked in here and there.
Clifford goes to the Ocotillo patch with meOcotillo fully leaved out with blossomsClifford takes a photo of me and the ocotillo
We explore the arroyoSaying good-bye to the desert
Back at camp, I organize the Blazer and begin packing up what I can, as tomorrow is moving day. I would stay longer if we could; the desert here has been quite a delight to me.
Saturday February 11th – I am up in time for a pretty sunrise and find great delight in walking about catching silhouettes of yucca and creosote bushes with the sunrise colors as the backdrop.
Most wide-angle view of desert at sunriseMost close-up view to draw attention of silhouettes against the colorful backdrop of sunrise
Behind me to the west, as the sunrise fades, the moon is just setting.
Sunrise begins to fade…while the moon sets in the west
I sit outside and write in my journal until Clifford is up. Then we drive down the road to the Bajada Nature Trail to check email before heading to the nearby village of Chiriaco for a late lunch, part of the extended birthday celebration. Clifford buys me a pretty pair of earrings and a pint of local honey, which was very sweet! Sometime, either coming or going, I post another blog and get a couple of texts sent off.
Great cumulus clouds have built up during the day
Cumulus clouds form in the afternoonInteresting cloud formations formMore cumulus clouds over the hills to the east
and by evening, the sunrise is especially spectacular.
The light begins to change, bringing a warmth to the hillsideLast moments of sunset causes the hill to glow orange and the clouds to take on more reflected colorAnd finally, the deepest color in the clouds before darkness descends .
After sunset as the evening coolness comes on, I make a campfire, which I haven’t done often on this journey because of the wind. After the fire dies down, we go inside for dinner – a cup of soup – since we had a big late lunch. Into the later evening, I edit photos, losing track of time and going to bed at midnight, which is way late for me.
It was a very pretty day with good fun activities.