Wednesday May 10th – I am up early getting a thermos and clothes ready in case we need to spend the night at a KOA, as we don’t know how long it will take to fix Terry (our now broken-down camper). We talk to Jason, the manager here at Les Schwab, and learn that we will have to replace both axles, hubs, brakes, and so on. The reason is explained and we see that it is the best way to take care of our situation. The parts are ordered and we carry on as usual until the parts arrive. From the parking lot, I enjoy the snow-capped mountains that border the town.
View from the Les Schwab parking lot
It is interesting to watch how they tow Terry into the bay with a forklift, not dragging the injured part. We spend the afternoon in the waiting room with wifi and our thermos of tea. I take care of email, post blogs, and edit, while Clifford studies.
It is after 6:00 p.m. by time Terry is ready to roll. Expensive for us, but very reasonable considering all that has been done. We will be much safer on the road now.
We head north to the Walmart at Orem. There is no Walmart in Provo; the address in the book was listed as Provo, but the Walmart is in Orem. How ironic: we were looking for a Walmart in Provo that didn’t exist and broke down less than a block from the place that could truly fix the problem. Life is full of mysteries.
Thursday May 11th – We get a few groceries in Orem before continuing north through Salt Lake City, stressful with all the traffic, but uneventful.
As we cross Idaho, we see the lava fields that the area is known for.
Lava fields of southern IdahoLava fields of southern Idaho
We stop in Idaho Falls for a late lunch and the salad I ordered was so bad I couldn’t eat it. Ugh.
We find the Walmart in Idaho Falls and park in a quiet corner alongside a nice strip of green grass with trees, a pleasant enough place to spend the night once I pick up a bit of trash.
Idaho Falls Walmart for the night
I don’t feel great – too much stress, too many miles in the last few days, and lack of proper meals. Clifford is tired from all the driving, so we head to bed earlier tonight.
Friday May 12th– We are up early and continue north, soon crossing into Montana. Our plans to camp at Grasshopper Creek Campground west of Dillon have changed, as my cousin, who lives in Dillon has a weather forecast indicating SNOW at that elevation. Seeing a BLM campground indicated on the map just a few miles off the interstate outside the tiny town of Divide, we head for that, not knowing what we will find. Some BLM campgrounds are quite inaccessible for towing vehicles, but we are pleasantly surprised to find a well-maintained campground with several lovely sites right along the Bighole River.
Divide Bridge BLM Campground
In fact, it is such a nice campground, we decide to wait out the cold weather that is forecast and stay at least five days rather than heading further north right away.
After getting set up, we drive back out to the town of Divide, close enough to the interstate to have cell service, and notify family and friends where we are. Back at camp, after admiring the river, I explore a bit, bringing back some fragrant sage.
A variety of trees and sbrubs border the riverCampsite along the Bighole RiverThe Bighole River running high
There are few gusts and sprinkles through the later afternoon and heavier rain in the evening. I’m feeling very happy to be here rather than continuing north fighting the weather.
Tuesday May 9th is our last morning at Drinks Canyon Campground. I go down to the Colorado River first thing to say my good-byes to the river, the cliffs, the trees, and the sky. Back at camp, Clifford is up; we finish packing and are on the road by 10:15 a.m.
Saying good-bye to the river and the red cliffs
We head north, our first stop being Price, Utah. We had considered spending the night in the Walmart parking lot, but instead, being early afternoon, we buy one new tire for Terry (our camper) and continue northward. The route takes us through very scenic canyon and mountain country of north-central Utah, with lots of steep ups and downs and curves.
Curving roads through the canyons of central to northern Utah
We arrive in Provo, Utah, around 5:00 in the afternoon and head for the Walmart there, per the address that we have in the GPS.
We seem to be heading the wrong direction on University Avenue, a main thoroughfare through Provo, so get turned around, wrangling through construction on the side streets. Back on University Avenue, just as we head over a very long overpass, one of Terry’s tires flies off, the underpinning of the axle (whatever that is called) drags the pavement. We can’t stop, as it is rush hour traffic and no shoulder. We pull off into a vacant lot at the end of the overpass, in a serious quandary what to do. It was the new tire that came off, the hub is obviously damaged, and the underpinning is digging into the ground.
How to retrieve the tire during rush hour on this main street is our first dilemma. Just then a fellow in a pickup pulls up and he has our tire in the back of his truck. Whew – thank goodness! First step taken care of. There is a brake shop on the other side of the busy avenue, so we carefully make our way across and talk to the manager there. He can’t do anything to help us except that he points out a Les Schwab Tire Service just a block away and shows us how we can navigate underneath the overpass to avoid traveling on University Avenue. We walk to Les Schwab, arriving just in time to catch the manager before they close. Yes, he can fix our camper and we are welcome to camp in their parking lot. All we have to do is get there.
Back at our rig, we very very very slowly drag our way under the underpass and down quiet side streets until we arrive at the Les Schwab parking lot – home for the night with a great view of the snow-capped mountains to the east of the city.
View of the mountains from the Les Schwab parking lot – our home for the night
We have a lot to be grateful for right at this moment, as we settle down for the night.
Sunday May 7th is mostly sunny in the morning, but increasing clouds during the day. As well as the usual journal writing and editing, I also make potato salad in anticipation for having lunch with our friend, David, tomorrow.
In the later afternoon we drive to the Grandstaff Trailhead, formerly called Negro Bill Trail, just a few miles down the road. We only hike about a mile in, as it is too late in the day to do the whole trail. However, it is a very interesting and pretty canyon with the trail running right alongside a creek.
Creek hidden by boulders and willowsRed cliffs of Grandstaff CanyonSometimes golden, depending on the position of the lightThe creek along the trail as we continue further into the canyonInteresting rock sculptureMore creek along Grandstaff Trail
Carol by the creek
It is fun for both of us and it is good to get in a hike before we leave this area.
Clifford has his experiments going on in the kitchen, so I work outside on our picnic table until a big wind comes up, forcing me to head in. We have some of the potato salad for dinner, then tidy up and off to bed.
Monday May 8th is a town day in preparation for leaving the Moab area. We go to the laundromat, run errands, and pick up the supplies we will need for the next leg of the journey. David is unable to join us for our picnic lunch as planned; we are sorry to have not gotten together with him before our leaving. We go to the library to get caught up on emails and such. Becka calls, so she and I have a chance to visit before we head back up the canyon where there is no cell service.
Back at camp, we clean out the Suburban and get Clifford’s tubs all packed in the back, as well as packing up as much as I can inside Terry. I have greatly appreciated and will miss the great red cliffs here and the powerful Colorado River,
Last evening at Drinks Canyon Campground – view from our campsite
but I am not really sad to be leaving, as being camped so close to the highway with all the traffic has not really suited me well. It is said that variety is the spice of life… I guess some spices are just tastier than others!
Wednesday May 3rd – I go down to the river first thing, as I am so enchanted with the beauty and power of this flowing water.
Colorado River in the morning on a blue-sky day
I sit for awhile, and back at camp I build a little campfire, make tea, and read Mary Oliver poems. I’m not that much into poetry, but I do like her poems, as her connection with nature resonates with me.
Globe Mallow are a cheery color in the campground
I prepare thermoses for our trip to town, thinking someone from Moab Chevy dealership will be coming to pick us up; we know that they replaced the fuel pump yesterday. Get other things ready to go – items to mail, laptop for a stop at the library, and so on. No word from Chevy, so play cello awhile, working on Franck and one of Ken’s pieces. As it turns out, we do not hear from Chevy all day, so no trip to town. Errands are not done, we miss our friend’s birthday celebration and miss the bluegrass outdoor concert. What I would have missed had we gone to town was the extraordinary color on the mesas this evening, which were thrilling to see.
The mesa right to the east of our campsite at evening lightRich color on the mesa to the north of us
Thursday May 4th– This morning I make a campfire first thing; it is really nice to be outdoors for journal writing.
Soft morning light on the river as seen through the oak grove at our campsite
Call from Chevy – our ride is on the way and I scarcely have time to get ready. Once at the Chevy dealer, there is a bit of a hassle getting NAPA warranty to cover the cost of the new part and labor, but finally things are worked out and we are free to run our errands. We have a late lunch at Eddie’s before heading back to camp. In the evening I take a few photos and journal a little, but I am tired and my eyes hurt, so earlier to bed tonight.
Shadows on the mesa to the south are emphasized at the last light of dayThe river is in shadow as the last light of day plays on the mesas to the north
Friday May 5th – I sit out for tea, journal and Mary Oliver this morning, but no campfire, as it is already getting warm. We are lucky that there is always some shade/diffused light on the picnic table, making it a pleasant place to be any time of the day. I do some editing today. We decide to forego the trip we had planned to Castle Valley because it is too hot to feel like going anywhere. We spend some time looking at the map, contemplating our return route. What with all the vehicle issues, we are behind on our schedule and our itinerary needs to reflect that, as we have to be back in Wallace before the end of May. Looks like I-15 straight north through Salt Lake City will be our best bet.
Our campsite at Drinks Canyon Campground along the Colorado River
Saturday May 6th – Clifford gets up at 5:00 a.m. (unheard of!), but comes back to bed at 6:00 a.m., waking me up, so I get up, visit the river, make tea, and sit out to write in journal.
Early morning light on the mesa to the west, while the river is still in shadow
After Clifford gets up again, we get ready to head to Moab, as he has a business call, which gives me time to work on my projects at the library, mostly emails today. We make arrangements to meet our friend David on Monday, as we will be leaving on Tuesday. It is raining in Moab as we head south to see LaSal, a small town in the foothills of the great LaSal Mountains. Out of Moab a ways, it is very windy, but blowing sand and dust rather than rain. Once there, we know that this little town will not work for the CI lab for several reasons, but good to have checked it out. Back at camp, late afternoon naps are in order, and then I stay up too late editing photos and reading!
Monday May 1st – We go to Moab this morning, run a few errands, and then take the Suburban to the Chevy dealership. We wait around there until more diagnosis is done; it is decided that the fuel pump that was installed at Bryce Canyon City is faulty and needs to be replaced. Then they give us a ride back to camp.
In the afternoon, I play cello outside until our friend, David, and his daughter come out to see us. Nice to have visitors.
Aubrey at the riverAubrey at the river
Later, I head back down to the river – every day the light and quality of the sky is different, and today the sky is especially dazzling. I never tire of taking photos of the ever-changing beauty that surrounds us.
Colorado River Canyon with blue sky in the backgroundColorado River Canyon with blue sky in the backgroundColorado River Canyon in shadow
Tuesday May 2nd– this morning I make a small campfire and sit outside to write in my journal and read poems from the collection “Thirst” by Mary Oliver. Her connection to nature is so like my own. A light rain puts an end to the writing, so I go on down to the river, thinking of my mom who is no longer here and my kids who seem so far away. The sky is grey, not a good time for river photos.
Back at camp, as the sun comes out, I write some more and play cello on the protected side of Terry, out of the breeze. Then down to the river again for photos with the now-blue sky in the background.
The grey sky of morning as given way to blue sky this afternoonRather odd flat “clouds” rise above the mesasI like the shape of the tree against the sky
Clifford received a message from NAPA saying that they will not honor the warranty on the fuel pump purchased from them in Bryce Canyon City. Oh, I am getting tired of the ongoing hassle with our vehicle, but at least it runs good once it starts…….
Wednesday April 26th – I take photos of the mesas at sunrise,
Morning light on the mesa
say good-bye to the young couple who spent the night camped next to us, then run through the campground before taking the path down to the Colorado River. So soul-nourishing to just sit by the river.
Sitting by the river
Back at camp, I do some editing and then sit outside to write in my journal and play cello.
Drinks Canyon Cello
Clifford spent most of the day fussing with his radios and antennas, getting things working. We have chili for dinner and end the day reading “My Grandfather’s Blessings.”
Thursday morningwe take the Suburban into the auto repair shop, but they can’t diagnose it, since it starts there just fine. As we get ready to leave, it doesn’t start, so we wait around while they replace a part that could be the problem. It is no surprise to me when it doesn’t start as we are preparing to leave. We head on over to the Chevy dealership and make arrangements to bring it to them tomorrow morning.
Colorado River from the bridge at Lion’s Park where we stop to get water
Back at camp, it is much too windy to take the cello out, even too windy to feel like going out for evening photos.
Friday morning weleave early for the Chevy dealership. They have a decent place to sit and wifi, so I post a blog and take care of email while Clifford studies. We walk to Eddie McStiff’s to have lunch with our friend, David. From the parking lot, I take a photo of a few flakes of snow, almost mist-like blowing in from the west; we are hearing of 6” or more in places where family and friends live in Montana and Colorado. Winter is hanging on.
The Chevy dealership diagnoses potential problems and replaces the fuel pump regulator, which we discover later, did NOT fix the problem, as the Suburban won’t start once it is turned off. Bah humbug, and we are still having to use starter fluid.
Odd cloud seen as we drive back to camp
Back at camp, we have a light dinner and I finish reading “My Grandfather’s Blessings.”
Saturday morning we head back to Moab to the Chevy dealership, as we cannot call them from camp. Plans are made to bring it back on Monday and leave it. We go to the antique car show at the city park, planning to meet friends there. Lots of nifty old cars, but after an hour walking about in the chilly wind, our friends have not arrived, so we go on to the library to take care of business. Seems the Verizon tower is being repaired, so most of our messages are not getting through to each other about what is going on. Nobody’s fault, but really frustrating. Back at camp, after a light dinner, I take photos of the mesas at sunset.
Colorado River at sunset
Sunday morning is sunny, so I make tea and sit outside to write in my journal before going for a run to the lower campground.
Our campsite at Drinks Canyon CampgroundMake tea and sit outside to write in journal
From there, I decide to see if I can find a trail up the draw between the mesas on the other side of the highway. The trail is a bit sketchy, but I hike a ways in and find a nice boulder beside the creek where I can sit quietly for a bit. It is really a sweet place and I’m hoping Clifford will hike with me here before we leave.
Hiking up a little creek coming down a draw between mesasMesas on every side of meDelightful Indian Paintbrush
Back at camp, it is warm enough to play cello outside before dinner. Clifford has gotten his science instruments out and has been studying the composition of various oils, which ties into his research. Nice to have a day at camp.
Tuesday April 25th – we are up by 7:15 and leave Horsethief Campground at 8:45, which is the fastest we have ever gotten out, except for overnight stays. No breakfast or showers, but we can do that later. The Suburban needs starter fluid to start, but we are getting used to that, and off we go, heading to Big Bend Campground on Highway 28 along the Colorado River outside of Moab.
We see a few open sites in campgrounds prior to Big Bend, which is encouraging, but we would like to camp at Big Bend, as it is a little further off the highway with great access to the river. However, no such luck, as when we get there, it is full. Maybe someone could still be in a leaving mode, but not likely, so we head back downriver, pulling into Drinks Canyon CG. The sites we saw open here just moments ago are already taken. As we are heading out, someone pulls out of a campsite; the site appears totally vacant and the stub on the post indicates leaving 4/25, which is today, so we assume it is available and pull in, pay our fee for a week, and get minimally set up.
The campground is close to the highway, which I don’t care for, but our spot is in an oak grove and I can see the river below and we are surrounded by the great red cliffs of the Colorado River Canyon. Terry (our RV) is right alongside the dirt road, but provides privacy from the traffic going by on the road and the highway.
View of the Colorado River through our oak grove
We head to Moab, as we have packages to pick up at the post office and then to the library for free wifi, power, and a table to sit at while taking care of business. We also go to an auto repair shop in Moab, but they don’t have time to look at the Suburban today.
We head back to our campsite, a very scenic drive up the canyon, and finish setting up: solar, antennas, and so on.
Back at camp, we finish setting up
About then a huge wind comes ripping through the canyon and everything that is not solid blows away, including someone’s tent that almost ends up in the river. This lasts about an hour and then it is calm enough that I take the cello out and play for a bit.
Later, while Clifford is getting his ham radios working, I go for a walk, seeking views of the river and trails where I can run. I find one trail down to the river, but no good places to run.
I find a trail down to the river
In the early evening, a young couple shows up, claiming they paid for this site, but since the ticket was filled out wrong, we honestly thought it was available. Long story short – we offer for them to park next to us, and use the campfire ring and picnic table if they want. They are satisfied with the arrangement and go off for more adventures, returning late to set up their tent for the night.
In the meantime, in the minutes before sunset, I take photos in every direction, enchanted with the beautiful colors of the mesas at the last light of day.
Evening light on the mesa to the southMesa to the southMesa to the eastLess than 15 minutes later, the light has changed and the mesa sports a much more dramatic colorMesa to the north at last light of day
After the sun sets, we have dinner and I read “My Grandfather’s Blessings” to end my day. Although I miss the quiet of Horsethief, we are fortunate to have found a spot along the river, and I fall asleep listening to the murmur of the powerful Colorado flowing by.
The week of April 17thto April 24th was not remarkable in regard to photo outings, but it is scenic everywhere here, so most photos were taken from the window of our moving vehicle as we made numerous trips to Moab for groceries and sundries, laundromat, access to wifi for business and uploading blogs, taking the Suburban to a mechanic due to the increasingly more severe starting issues, meeting friends for lunch, and looking at possibilities in regard to moving the CI lab to Moab.
Heading to Moab – view of the La Sal MountainsHeading to Moab – Mesas catch my attentionHeading to Moab – notice the dwelling lower frame for size reference
One outing was a visit to our friend’s location out on Kane Creek Road. Turns out that is the road that we took with the pop-up several years ago and we turned around several miles out because we questioned the wisdom of being on that road, especially when towing. At least this time we were not towing, but it is still sketchy in spots and took us much longer than planned to get to his place, and since Clifford had a business call scheduled, we could only stay a few minutes before heading back to cell service in Moab.
Kane Creek Road along the Colorado RiverScenic views from our friend’s locationScenic views from Kane Creek Road
Although the temperatures have been moderate, it has been very windy – too windy to play cello outside. However, in spite of the wind, I went running every morning on trails near this campground, taking time at a favorite rocky outcropping to sit quietly, sending blessings to my kids and friends. This setting has been especially conducive for that, being a peaceful setting in nature away from noise, people, and traffic.
Chisholm Trail mid-morning runEarly morning run on Rowdy Trail
I addition to photo editing and blog writing, I have spent a good amount of time editing for three authors. Thanks to better RV batteries and sunshine, keeping the laptop charged has not recently been such an issue for me. I have been reading My Grandfather’s Blessings by Rachel Naomi Remen – inspirational stories highlighting the importance of accepting life, blessing life, and service as a way of life.
One of the more memorable events during this week period was watching the outstanding documentary film, The Music of Strangers, featuring YoYo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble, which was presented free-of-charge at a lovely old theater in Moab. Heart-touching and inspiring, I highly recommend it to everyone, not just musicians.
The Music of Strangers – highly recommended!
When we got ready to go afterward, the Suburban almost didn’t start and we had visions of spending the night in our vehicle right there on a street in Moab. It finally kicked over, thanks to the brand-new battery (another battery purchase in addition to the two new RV batteries). On the next trip to town, starter fluid was added to the shopping list and has been used regularly since then.
The red rocks of Utah canyon lands near Moab
On our last day at Horsethief Campground, we loaded the Suburban and packed up everything inside that we could ahead of time, as we needed to get an early start the next morning to secure a campsite along the Colorado River for the rest of our stay in the area. Horsethief has been an especially good campground because of being off the highway and surrounded by miles and miles of virtual wilderness, a setting which resonates with my soul. I am sorry to leave here, but I anticipate that camping by the river will be good, also.
April 16th is Easter Sunday and as I go for a morning run on the Chisholm Trail at Horsethief Campground, I think about the significance of that and what it has meant to me over the years. Thoughts to ponder.
Morning run on the Chisholm Trail
Clifford suggests taking a day off from his studies and going sight-seeing in nearby Canyonland National Park – Hooray! What a great place to spend Easter Sunday!
Such diversity as we head to Canyonland National Park! Notice snow-capped peaks in the far background
After stopping at the Visitors’ Center for water, we continue on to Grandview Point and hike the trail along the rim. From this vantage point, one can see far into the canyons below and see the rugged outlines of the even deeper channels carved by rivers over eons of time.
Great mesas of Canyonland National ParkLooking down into the river-carved canyonsAlong the trail at Grandview PointClifford on the trail ahead of meOn the rim trail at Grandview Point
From here we retrace our route and stop at the Orange Cliffs viewpoint for a short hike along the rim here.
Rim trail at Orange Cliffs viewpointLife at the Orange Cliffs
Then onto Upheaval Dome. We had a picnic here last October, but I was sick and couldn’t do the hike to view the dome. But today is a great day for it and we hike the half mile or so to the first overview and then continue on upward on a rather sketchy trail to a viewpoint further along the caldera rim. The cause of the dome is not certain, but it is certainly unusual and scenic.
Kiosk at Upheaval DomeOverview of Upheaval Dome from the trailClose-up of the unusual formation in the center of the domeCairns are essential to find one’s way on these “trails”The rather sketchy trail ahead of me – Clifford is up there somewhereCarol and Clifford together at a windy highpointIn this stark landscape, the bright rich color of Indian Paintbrush is especially enchanting
Upon our return to the parking/picnic area, we are fortunate to find an available picnic table for our lunch. After we enjoy a little repast, we drive back to our campsite, but since this is such a good day to explore, we head out again. We drive to Mineral Bottom Road, which somewhat parallels the Mineral Point Road that we explored a few days ago. This road appears to go all the way to the Colorado River, and although we don’t go out that far, we go far enough to see some new country and find ourselves, once again, on roads that are nothing but jeep trails in the wilderness.
This is NOT the sketchy part of the drive – LOLSeeing new country
Back at camp, while Clifford naps, I make a campfire and enjoy the last moments of a day spent in nature, appreciating the beauty and diversity that surrounds us.
A campfire in the evening finishes out this special day
Tuesday April 11th is a travel day, as we are leaving Green River, Utah, and heading to Horsethief BLM Campground near Canyonland National Park, about a 60-mile drive. We are surprised to see how full it is here on a Tuesday morning and it is only on the far end of the last loop that we find a spot that will work for us. Terry is close to the road, but provides privacy within the site. Juniper trees offer a sweet zen-like space to relax, and the trailhead to nearby trails is right beside our campsite.
Camped at Horsethief BLM Campground
After getting set up, I do some editing and write a blog while Clifford sets up his ham radio gear and antennas. It is too breezy for cello today, but other than that, it is a good full day and we are happy to be here for a couple of weeks.
Wednesday April 12th – I explore the trail nearest to our end of the campground. This will be a great place to go for a run, as it is both peaceful and scenic, making it a good way to start the day.
Rowdy Trail
Today is an errand day and we head to Moab, about 25 miles away, to take care of business. Free wifi at the Information Center allows for email and blog-posting. Errands include getting a new battery for Terry, as well as groceries and sundries, before going to lunch at the Moab Brewery (recommended if you are ever in Moab). We see from a poster that there is a bluegrass band performing outdoors this evening, so we stay in Moab and go to the performance. The band was quite good and we thoroughly enjoyed listening to them play. It was dark by time we drove back to camp, so no photos and no cello today.
Thursday April 13th is a very windy day. I go for a run on the Rowdy Trail and then sit outside with a cup of tea, feeling the sun and the wind, while focusing on the feel of the cup in my hands as a meditation. Too windy to be out long, so no cello (again!), but enough sun to keep laptop charged and I get quite a lot of editing and blog writing done. Good conversation with Becka when she calls.
Clifford is studying and doing experiments with biofilm, as this will be an important area of research.
Sunset at Horsethief
Friday April 14th– Running on the Rowdy Trail, I find a large outcropping of red rock that is a great place for quiet sitting. Back at camp, I call my daughter Merri to wish her happy birthday. Being mid-April and warmer temps, I pack up my winter coats and most of the hats, gloves, and scarves. In a small RV, space is at a premium, so it is good to get these bulky items packed away. Too windy to spend time outdoors, so I do a lot of editing today, while Clifford continues his studies.
Saturday April 15th– Lots going on at an international level: Missiles on Syria, bombs on Afghanistan, and serious North Korea issues – it is all absolutely crazy. Why can’t humans coexist peacefully?
Run on both the Rowdy and Wrangler trails today, taking time on my way back to sit on the outcropping of rock to send joyful thoughts and energy to all of my kids. We all could use more joy in our lives!
In the afternoon, with mild temperatures and only a slight breeze, the herbs go out to the picnic table and I play cello – hooray! Then we go for a drive on the Mineral Point Road beyond the campground, looking for dispersed camping areas.
Driving on Mineral Point RoadFrowning rock on Mineral Point RoadRock formations on Mineral Point Road
We find a spot about a mile out, so will keep that in mind as a backup if the campground is full at some future time. More exploring takes us out on sketchy roads, very scenic, but best left to jeeps!