Virgin River Gorge – November 2021-Part 2

Sunrise on a cloudless morning

Clifford and I appreciate the views, as well as the peace and quiet from our campsite on Black Rock Road.

Appreciating a good cup of coffee and views from the window

In early November, we decide to go to Mesquite, Nevada, just for an outing. The drive though the Virgin River Gorge is quite stunning on this beautiful blue-sky day.

Virgin River Gorge
Virgin River Gorge
Virgin River Gorge

Building an interstate highway through the gorge was an engineering feat. It is the kind of highway where one should mosey, but no, most people travel at breathing-taking speeds, totally missing the breath-taking views.

Breath-taking views
Virgin River

November 7th is a special day of gratitude as I sit out with a perfect cup of coffee after a short hike with Clifford. Today marks one year from the stroke. I am well, I can hike, I can read and write. I can talk to my kids — I feel very fortunate and very blessed.

Hiking with Clifford
Views hiking with Clifford

Most days I go walking. I could probably walk for miles and not get lost here. As it is, I try to vary my route a bit every day to see what I can see. One day, I find the wash, which obviously is subject to flash floods when there is enough rain. The vegetation here is more varied; boulders, gravel, and sand form an interesting rugged pathway across the desert basin. It is my favorite place to walk.

Variety in the wash
Walking in the wash

Clifford and I go for short walks together now and then, but often I walk alone.

Walking with Clifford
Cougar in the distance as seen from a late afternoon walk

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