Montana to Nevada – September 2022

Saturday September 24, 2022

After spending the summer near family in western Montana, Clifford and I are heading south for the winter. I am grateful for all the time I’ve had with family. Despite the early August mosquitoes, hot spell, and forest fire smoke, it was great being in western Montana with my kids and siblings.

Goodbye Montana

It’s a good day for travel with light winds, a great blue sky, and trees just beginning to turn to autumn color as we travel southeast on I-90 along the Clark Fork river.

Clark Fork River Along I-90 in Western Montana

I am grateful for the safe and pleasant drive from my sister’s place where we were camped this summer, to the rest area south of Butte, Montana, where we are spending the night.

Sunset at Rest Area near Butte, Montana, on  I-15 South

Sunday September 25, 2022

Sunrise at Rest Area near Butte, Montana on I-15 South

Our travels take us through the ever-changing landscape of southwest Montana.

Southwest Montana Landscape along I-15
Organ Pipe Rock Near Dillon, Montana

We take I-15 from the rest area near Butte to the rest area at Dubois, Idaho, grateful for the clean facilities and the large parking area where we find a parking spot on the edge alongside the grass median.

Shrubs at the Dubois Rest Area Attractive in Autumn Colors
Sunset at Dubois Rest Area

Monday September 26 was an overnight stay at the Walmart in Burley, Idaho.

Tuesday September 27, 2022

For the first time, we are traveling south through Nevada to avoid going through Salt Lake City. We stay on I-15 until turning south on US highway 93 at Idaho Springs, Idaho.

Tonight we are at the pullover north of Wells, Nevada. It was a harder day of travel due to traffic on 93 as well as more wind. We sure are glad to get to this spot safely and after picking up trash, I take a few photos of the rather scenic desert landscape.

View from the Pullout North of Wells, Nevada
View at Sunset North of Wells, Nevada

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Even Weeds Look Good at Sunrise
Cougar (our RV) at Pullout North of Wells, Nevada at Sunrise

Our destination today is Cave Lake Nevada State Park near Ely, Nevada. About half way between Wells and Ely, Nevada, we stop at the Schellbourne Rest Stop which features kiosks that recount the history of the Pony Express, highlighting the bravery and hardships of the young men who traversed Nevada on their route delivering mail from St. Joseph, Missouri to San Francisco, California in 1860.

Schellbourne Rest Stop Features the Pony Express
Nevada Landscape Near Schellbourne Rest Stop

We arrive at Cave Lake Nevada State Park by mid-afternoon. It is perfect timing for us to catch the park ranger and get the Annual Nevada State Park Pass. The ranger is very nice to take the time for us since he was on his way out.

My research on the two campgrounds indicated that Elk Flat is more favorable for RVs, but since the headquarters is at Cave Lake Campground where we met the ranger, we camp here.

Our campsite at Cave Lake Nevada State Park Near Ely, Nevada

There is a very scenic view from the only pull-through site, but it is really tricky leveling because of the curve and slope of the land. The landscape is a juniper and opinion pine forest with views of mountains, hills, and mesas all around.

View from our Campsite at Cave Lake Nevada State Park

We like what we see and are treated to a beautiful sunset at the end of the day. I am grateful to be here!

Sunset from our Campsite at Cave Lake Nevada State Park

Friday, September 30. September comes to a close with reading Seven Spiritual Laws and sipping hot tea, as I enjoy the egg sandwich that Clifford made for breakfast. I am very happy there are showers at this campground, quite the luxury for our traveling lifestyle. I am grateful to be alive, savoring the beauty and the perfection of the moment.

Time for Tea at Cave Lake Nevada State Park

Montana to Black Rock – October 2021

Autumn colors in the Bitterroot Valley of western Montana

After the trip to Wallace with my sister Nancy, the next few days are spent reorganizing Suburban and Cougar in preparation for leaving Montana. Clifford and I want to be on our way before the weather turns colder than it has been. The autumn colors are at their best in the nearby woods. Nancy and I walk to the side channel of the Bitterroot River one more time.

Autumn in Montana
Side channel of the Bitterroot River
River Reflections

Thursday, October 21, Clifford and I finish packing and leave Florence a little after noon. The autumn colors along the Clark Fork River are quite striking as we head east from Missoula toward Butte.

Autumn colors along the Clark Fork River
Autumn Color along the Clark Fork River

Although we usually stop at the rest area south of Butte on I-15 or at Divide Bridge Campground, this time we push on through to the rest area at Dubois, Idaho, arriving at sunset, 284 miles, a very long day for us.

Southwest Montana landscape
Dubois, Idaho, rest area

The next day is windier, so not as easy driving, and we stop at the Devil’s Creek RV park in southern Idaho around 3:00. We set up on the far end of the reservoir rather than in one of the RV sites. I have time to post photos to the RV Bunch on FB, play fiddle, and make dinner before heading to bed. A good productive day despite the hours on the road.

Devil’s Creek Reservoir, Idaho.

Drizzle and rain in the night and the misty morning provide some photo opportunities for me.

Misty morning at Devil’s Creek Reservoir

We take time to repair the rear view camera and leave Devil’s Creek about 2:00 in the afternoon.

Still a grey day at Devil’s Creek

Construction as we approach Salt Lake City slows us down, but we arrive at the Perry, Utah, Walmart about 4:00 and are happy to get a spot along the median with grass and a tree.

The next morning is Sunday, October 24. We always plan our drive through SLC on Sunday so there isn’t as much traffic. We are up early enough to do a bit more shopping and leave by 10:00, but we are disappointed that the rear view camera is still not working despite our working on it. Driving through SLC is taxing enough, but doing it without a camera makes it even worse. As we drive through Salt Lake City, we feel the wind starting to pick up.

Heading southwst on I-15
Utah landscape

By time we get to Beaver, 200 miles to the south on I-15, we pull off and find a place to park in a trashy dirt lot behind the Flying J. It is very windy now and we are both glad to be off the highway and parked for the night.

Monday is much too windy for travel and despite putting down the stabilizers, which we don’t usually do for an overnight stop, we are rocking and rolling in the wind all day. We bundle up against the wind and walk to nearby Denny’s for a meal. We keep busy the rest of the day with our various projects.

Working on projects on a windy day in Beaver, Utah

Our friend David calls to see if we are still in Montana. He informs us that the campground in the Virgin River Gorge where we had planned to go, which also happens to be where we met him several years ago, is closed. That is disappointing to us, but David encourages us to go to Black Rock Road and camp there near where he is set up.

When I open the door the next morning, I am surprised and delighted to see a landscape covered with snow. Trash has disappeared under white fluffiness.

Surprised by snow at Beaver, Utah
Trash has disappeared
A grey sky morning

As the sky clears, snow on the nearby mountains is quite scenic.

By afternoon, blue sky has returned

We are not traveling today, waiting for the roads over mountain passes to clear. Cell service is good here, so both Clifford and I work on our projects, mostly editing for me, and for Clifford, whatever he has going on.

By Wednesday, the 27th, the snow is mostly gone and the highways are clear, so we leave Beaver and head south through St. George, and cross the border into Arizona.

Southern Utah landscape

With David’s directions, we find our way to the spot he has suggested for us on Black Rock Road. There are desert views in every direction and gently rising hills in this valley basin, sloping down to a wash and upward to nearby mesas, but not a single tree. The acres and acres of creosote are green and alive, but without trees, it feels kind of exposed and barren to me.

Cougar at Black Rock

I appreciate the views, and how peaceful and private it is here, but coming from the mountains, trees, and rivers of Montana, Black Rock will take some getting used to for this Mountain Girl.

Late afternoon sunlight on creosote with mesas on the horizon, peaceful and private

Wallace and the Pulaski Trail – October 2021

Autumn colors along I-90

Despite the chilly nights, I spend a couple more days visiting my daughter Ang.  The western larch turning gold and a dusting of snow is a reminder that winter is just around the corner.

Western Larch turning gold
A dusting of snow on Lolo Peak and surrounding hills.

In mid-October, my sister Nancy and I make a trip to Wallace to visit Katie. The drive to Wallace is quite beautiful with the cottonwoods along the Clark Fork River and the western larch on the mountainsides all dressed in their autumn colors.

Chilly day along the Clark Fork River
Travel to Wallace, Idaho, over Lolo Pass
Western Larch on the mountainsides turning gold

Upon our arrival in Wallace, my daughter Katie shows us the apartment that she has renovated for her family above the historic Metals Bar, which she now owns.

Katie and Finley B
Big brother Jude with his furry pal

We have a tasty lunch at the Blackboard Cafe and stroll around Wallace admiring the autumn colors and the historic buildings, many of which were built out of brick after the infamous forest fires of 1910 destroyed part of the town.

Wallace buildings date back to the early 1900’s
Trees tower over the buildings on Bank Stree

Then Nancy and I go for a hike on the Pulaski Trail. That trail was one of my favorite places when Clifford and I lived in Wallace. Nancy and I hike a half mile to the waterfall that I used to call Fairyland Falls.

View from the bridge over Placer Creek on the Pulaski Trail
Fairyland Falls on Placer Creek

After the hike, we say good-bye to Katie and head back to Florence.

Nancy and Carol on the streets of Wallace, Idaho
Carol and daughter Katie

A stop at Elmer’s Fountain, a natural artesian well just a few miles from Wallace  finishes off a full day-trip and we arrive back in Florence just before dark.

Elmer’s Fountain – source of artesian water near Wallace, Idaho
Elmer’s Fountain