The last days at Roadrunner, January 22 to 26, include participation in Quartzfest, the ham radio gathering held just south of Quartzsite, Arizona, which is attended by several hundred ham radio operators. A variety of classes are offered every day, mostly around radios and antennas, which Clifford is interested in. He and I also attend a couple of classes geared to first aid and survival.

We spend an afternoon at the Big Tent & RV Show, a big deal here in Quartzsite, browsing the plethora of vendors selling their wares or services. While open-house viewing of RV’s is a big draw for most folks, we are not interested in that so much, being perfectly content with our Cougar.
We get together with my brother Rollie to play bluegrass music a couple of times and one evening we go to bluegrass concert in Quartzsite.
Brother Rollie Clifford on the dulcimer Carol on Cello for this one Cello and viola
Another day we go to one of the tents that sells burgers, “eating out” Quartzsite-style.

The usual activities of photography, editing, writing, and reading continue for me, while Clifford works with his radio for hours and plays dulcimer when he is not on the radio. It is a busy time for us.