Fun With Family – June 2022

Our Destination – Seeley Lake

In mid June, Clifford and I leave Divide Bridge Campground near Divide, Montana, where we have been camped for several days. We travel north to I 90 and then west to Missoula where highway 93 takes us south through the Bitterroot Valley to my sister Nancy‘s place. Several years ago she and her husband had horses, but the back pasture is now a beautiful big lawn bordered by trees. We are grateful for the safe trip here and this is where we will park for the time being.

Once a Horse Pasture

After we get set up, Nancy and I walk along the road and I take photos of the wildflowers and the ponds left from rain a week ago. We hear news that the Yellowstone River in southern Montana has flooded and caused much damage, including the closing of Yellowstone Park. That is Flooding!

Daisies Along the Road
Roadside Beauties

I am grateful for so many things: Pieces of Perfection, as I call them. A friend of ours comes out with greens and good cheese from the farmers market and then we all go out to my daughter Ang’s place. She cooks tasty pork loin steaks over a campfire and we look at the spot she thinks would work for Mountain Cougar, the used RV that Clifford purchased last fall. The spot needs cleanup and leveling, but it will be a very nice spot when all is said and done. Ang and I stay at the campfire after the others leave, have great leftover meat sandwiches, and I go to bed in Terry, the 30-year-old Terry Resort RV that used to be our RV, so it almost feels like home.

As Ang and I have  coffee on her deck in the morning, I admire the raindrop covered blossoms. Such a beautiful time of year in Montana.

Raindrops on Iris

I do dishes while she and Rama work on the wind tunnel greenhouse until it is time for Ang and me to leave for Seeley Lake where we are meeting with my daughter Becka, who is visiting from Hawaii. The landscape is lush and very green. The rivers are high, but not flooding.

The Land is Lush and Green

We find the Airbnb that Becka has rented for us on the edge of the town of Seeley Lake, not far from where my daughter Merri is staying with her husband at a job site.

Becka at the Airbnb

When we walk down the road to find Merri, a little piece of perfection that the job site is so close to the Airb&b, we discover a city park nearby and despite the rainy weather, the wood pile is dry enough for us to build a bonfire and hang out as we watch a pretty sunset.

A Pond at the City Park
Carol and Ang
Bonfire at the Park with Becka and Ang
Sunset Reflections
Becka, Merri, and friend Miles Enjoy the Bonfire
Colorful Sunset

Although the next day is cool and rainy, my son Matt arrives and we all go to Seeley Lake so Becka and her friends can go boating and those of us on the beach build a little campfire.

Matt Arrives
Warming Wet Feet at the Bonfire on the Beach

Back at the Airbnb, we visit and play cribbage, snack on all the good food that Becka and her friends brought, and enjoy having time together out of the rain.

Journaling at the Airbnb Out of the Rain
Cribbage With Becka

The following morning is sunny for a change and we all go to the lake to enjoy sunshine, boating, and great views of the lake and the mountains.

Bridge Where the Clearwater River Flows into Seeley Lake
Cruising Along the Shore

After snack time, Ang and I say goodbye to Becka and her friends before we head back over the mountain.

Mountains to Cross

It sure was a fun couple of days having time to spend with several of my kids and I am very grateful for the opportunity.  Although Clifford has kept himself busy while I’ve been gone,  I am thinking he will be glad to have me back at Cougar.

Carol and Kids