Arrival at Pioche, Nevada – October 2022

Pioche, Nevada

Sunday, October 16, 2022

I am especially grateful for our safe arrival here yesterday after leaving Cave Lake Nevada State Park about noon. Connors Pass over the Schell Creek Range at 7,723 feet is much steeper and more curving than either Clifford or I  recalled. It was very uncomfortable to say the least and I had to focus on the “I am safe” part of my daily mantra. I would prefer not to go that route again! Fortunately, we made it to the RV park on the outskirts of  Pioche by mid afternoon, pleased that the end spot is available.

Pioche City RV Park

After camping 2 1/2 weeks at Cave Lake, it is odd to be in town with noisy vehicles, buildings, and power lines. I like the boulders at the entry to this site and the honey locust tree that I see out the window. I miss the convenience of restrooms, which we had at Cave Lake. It is very convenient that we have decent cell service here in Pioche, so both Clifford and I will be able to caught up on internet related activities.

Monday October 17

Today we drive south toward Pananca for an exploratory outing to Cathedral Gorge State Park just off Highway 93. This state park has quite the amazing landscape with rock formations reminiscent of a tiny Bryce Canyon, but the camping doesn’t look so good for us. Sites are small with additional fee for electricity. We take a few photos at at the campground and then stop at he scenic overlook, Miller Point.

Cathedral Gorge view from Miller Point
Cathedral Gorge State Park

We plan to go back one afternoon for more photography, but today we are checking out Echo Canyon State Park and Spring Valley State Park, which are about 15 miles east of Pioche. My segment intention is for a safe and enjoyable scenic trip to find the perfect place to camp when we leave Pioche.

Exploring Echo Canyon and Spring Valley state parks is interesting and helpful. Both have reservoirs in what looks like a natural setting. Echo Canyon Campground has a great layout and lots of choices for camping.

Looking into Echo Canyon

Spring Valley is less suitable for RVs, but it was fun to go there to take photos along the reservoir.

Spring Valley State Park in Autumn
Spring Valley State Park

At Spring Valley, we take the gravel road to Stone Cabin, a sturdy cabin built by Mormon settlers when they settled in this area.  The landscape in this area is quite rugged and hardly seems like the kind of place where families would want to settle with livestock and gardens.

Rocky Terrain on the Road to Stone Cabin
Landscape near Stone Cabin
Stone Cabin

Tuesday October 18

Today we explore Pioche a bit with  a visit to the museum and lunch at the Gunslinger, a small cafe that specializes in subs and wraps.  I read that it was originally the blacksmith shop, and even now it is rustic with no inner walls.  However, it is quite interesting, the decor like a small museum.

Doc Holiday and Old West Paraphernalia
Billy the Kid
Lunch at the Gunslinger Cafe

Wednesday October 19

This afternoon we go again to the scenic overlook, Miller Point, at Cathedral Gorge for a picnic and late afternoon light for photos, despite spraying on horizon. I go partway down a long flight of stairs set into the rocks. The stairway leads down to the valley floor, but without hiking sticks, I didn’t want to go much further.

Late Afternoon at Miller Point
Late Afternoon at Miller Point
Stairs Through the Rocks to Valley Floor

Thursday, October 20

I am up by 7:30 this morning, giving me a quiet hour by myself. At sunrise, the light through the leaves of the honey locust tree outside the window is delightful.

Rays of the Rising Sun Through the Honey Locust Tree

Friday, October 21

Today is an outing to the Boothill Cemetery. While Pioche is less known than other rough western towns in the mid 1800’s, such as Tombstone and Las Vegas, Nevada, it was one of the roughest, most lawless mining towns of the Old West. In its early days, over 70 men were buried after violent deaths before anyone died a natural death. Sadly, small children and women did not do well in Pioche. We decide to come back later when the late afternoon sun is more favorable.

Pioche Boothill Cemetery

Morgan Courtney, Feared by some, Respected by few, Detested by others. Shot in the back 5 times from ambush

Saturday, October 22

This morning, I am up in time for a quiet hour before Clifford gets up. As quietly as possible, I make flower tea and take photos – a still life of the lovely unfolding leaves, the angel, traveling plants, and a kind of scuffy little box I got at the thrift store yesterday before the outing to the cemetery.

RV Still Life

At the RV, we play fiddle tunes and I do a lot of photo editing in preparation for the next blogs, which are a year behind (October 2021) It is a good and fun day, though I felt a touch of sorrow for the parents whose infants and little children died here. Hard life for them in the 1870s and early 1900s. Very rough town back then.

Sunday, October 23

It was very windy in the night, and when I get up at sunrise, I am surprised to see snow on the ground. Of course I get dressed right away and go out to take a few photos of snow on chamisa before it disappears with wind and sun. Where it’s melting, the droplets sparkle in the breeze. Very pretty. In reviewing the book that I am reading on spiritual laws, today is a review of Witness Choices. Ask yourself if your choices are choices for happiness. I’d say running out to take photos in the snow was a good choice.

Monday, October 24

Since we are leaving tomorrow, we go Panaca, the larger town to the south with a market, to pick up a few groceries and while we are there, we drive to the spring outside of town. Fresh flowing water is rare and precious in this land.

Back in Pioche, we visit the museum and have lunch at the historic Silver Cafe. We have made good use of our time here in Pioche. We are grateful for the RV park on the edge of town and look forward to finding a good site at Echo Canyon tomorrow.

Historic Silver Cafe

Northern Railway Train Museum, Ely, Nevada – October 2022

View from Summit Road Near Cave Lake Nevada State Park

Wednesday October 12

Since we will be leaving this campground fairly soon, we decide on one more trip up the mountain. Once again, we are blessed with a beautiful blue sky, gorgeous autumn colors, and another picnic.

Autumn Colors on Summit Road
Beautiful Blue Sky
Picnic on Summit Road

Friday October 14

We thought the steam engine train rides at Ely were closed for the season, but somehow Clifford figured out that they are still open and running. We get permission from the park ranger to stay a couple more days at Cave Lake Campground. I don’t think the ranger minds since there are so few people at the campground. The lake has been drained so as to allow for repairs to the dam. Normally this campground is full of people coming to enjoy the lake, but now it is mostly vacant.

So we make another trip to Ely for the tour of the Northern Railway Train Museum and steam engine train ride.  The train takes us on a route through the local countryside where railroad cars once carried ore from mining sites. Of course, this outing also entails another picnic.

Picnic at the Northern Railway Train Station
Northern Railway Train Museum
Railway Snow Plow
Northern Railway Steam Train
A Fantasy Village Along the Train Route
Autumn at Cave Lake Nevada State Park

It has been a good stay here but tomorrow we will be leaving Cave Lake Campground and heading further south on US Highway 93 to Pioche, Nevada.

Cave Lake, Nevada, Autumn Color – October 2022

Landscape at Cave Lake Nevada State Park

Thursday, October 6

Cllifford and I have been camped at Cave Lake Nevada State Park for about a week.  We are thoroughly enjoying our time here.  Today is a photo outing/exploration day, as we drive northward from the campground to Success Summit, the high point on the Success Loop Road. We are exploring where we might go camping at some future time. Although going up in the suburban was fine, it is not a place that we could take our RV. It is a good day for a drive and a picnic with a great blue sky, gorgeous autumn colors, and expansive views.

Expansive Views on Summit Loop Road near Cave Lake Nevada State Park
Hardy Aspens near the Summit
Autumn Colors on Summit Loop Road

Friday, October 7

Reading Altogether in One Place has taken up too much of my time, but I did get almost everything done on my list, except finishing a blog due to poor Internet. I reflect on the book, which is an account of a wagon train on the Oregon trail where the men had all died. The women had built their lives around their men until they come to a point they had to make cooperative decisions based on the desires and abilities of each one individually, but also as to the needs of the whole.  It was interesting to read, as well as insightful.

Saturday, October 8 is another photo outing, this time close to our campground. We are again exploring the possibilities for camping in the future, but stopping for photos where the autumn colors are  especially engaging.

Autumn Colors Near Cave Lake Nevada State Park
Autumn Colors Near Cave Lake Nevada State Park
Cave Creek

In just a few more days we will head further south, but in the meantime, we are grateful for the opportunity to be here at Cave Lake.

Montana to Nevada – September 2022

Saturday September 24, 2022

After spending the summer near family in western Montana, Clifford and I are heading south for the winter. I am grateful for all the time I’ve had with family. Despite the early August mosquitoes, hot spell, and forest fire smoke, it was great being in western Montana with my kids and siblings.

Goodbye Montana

It’s a good day for travel with light winds, a great blue sky, and trees just beginning to turn to autumn color as we travel southeast on I-90 along the Clark Fork river.

Clark Fork River Along I-90 in Western Montana

I am grateful for the safe and pleasant drive from my sister’s place where we were camped this summer, to the rest area south of Butte, Montana, where we are spending the night.

Sunset at Rest Area near Butte, Montana, on  I-15 South

Sunday September 25, 2022

Sunrise at Rest Area near Butte, Montana on I-15 South

Our travels take us through the ever-changing landscape of southwest Montana.

Southwest Montana Landscape along I-15
Organ Pipe Rock Near Dillon, Montana

We take I-15 from the rest area near Butte to the rest area at Dubois, Idaho, grateful for the clean facilities and the large parking area where we find a parking spot on the edge alongside the grass median.

Shrubs at the Dubois Rest Area Attractive in Autumn Colors
Sunset at Dubois Rest Area

Monday September 26 was an overnight stay at the Walmart in Burley, Idaho.

Tuesday September 27, 2022

For the first time, we are traveling south through Nevada to avoid going through Salt Lake City. We stay on I-15 until turning south on US highway 93 at Idaho Springs, Idaho.

Tonight we are at the pullover north of Wells, Nevada. It was a harder day of travel due to traffic on 93 as well as more wind. We sure are glad to get to this spot safely and after picking up trash, I take a few photos of the rather scenic desert landscape.

View from the Pullout North of Wells, Nevada
View at Sunset North of Wells, Nevada

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Even Weeds Look Good at Sunrise
Cougar (our RV) at Pullout North of Wells, Nevada at Sunrise

Our destination today is Cave Lake Nevada State Park near Ely, Nevada. About half way between Wells and Ely, Nevada, we stop at the Schellbourne Rest Stop which features kiosks that recount the history of the Pony Express, highlighting the bravery and hardships of the young men who traversed Nevada on their route delivering mail from St. Joseph, Missouri to San Francisco, California in 1860.

Schellbourne Rest Stop Features the Pony Express
Nevada Landscape Near Schellbourne Rest Stop

We arrive at Cave Lake Nevada State Park by mid-afternoon. It is perfect timing for us to catch the park ranger and get the Annual Nevada State Park Pass. The ranger is very nice to take the time for us since he was on his way out.

My research on the two campgrounds indicated that Elk Flat is more favorable for RVs, but since the headquarters is at Cave Lake Campground where we met the ranger, we camp here.

Our campsite at Cave Lake Nevada State Park Near Ely, Nevada

There is a very scenic view from the only pull-through site, but it is really tricky leveling because of the curve and slope of the land. The landscape is a juniper and opinion pine forest with views of mountains, hills, and mesas all around.

View from our Campsite at Cave Lake Nevada State Park

We like what we see and are treated to a beautiful sunset at the end of the day. I am grateful to be here!

Sunset from our Campsite at Cave Lake Nevada State Park

Friday, September 30. September comes to a close with reading Seven Spiritual Laws and sipping hot tea, as I enjoy the egg sandwich that Clifford made for breakfast. I am very happy there are showers at this campground, quite the luxury for our traveling lifestyle. I am grateful to be alive, savoring the beauty and the perfection of the moment.

Time for Tea at Cave Lake Nevada State Park