We are pleased to have arrived at Divide Bridge Campground along the Big Hole River in southwest Montana. This is one of our favorite stopping spots as we travel north and south as full-time “snow birds.” We pulled in here yesterday afternoon in time to set up before dark and for me to take photos of the river, the trees, and the rocky outcrop overlooking the campground right at sunset. Soft golden glow added to the peaceful tranquility of this place. Even though the history of this land is not so peaceful with deadly fighting between the Nez Perce Indians and the US soldiers in 1877, at this present time we feel safe and are happy to be here.

The day after our arrival is a day to relax, enjoying being in one spot for a few days. The Big Hole River is full and lively, aspens and willows have leafed out, and although it is mostly overcast, it is still pleasant to sit outside with my journal, a cup of French press coffee, the river flowing along right in front of me. I love the smell and sound of the river, the happy bird songs, and the sunlight playing on leaves and water when it peeks through the clouds. I am very happy to be alive and to be right here now.

Clifford enjoys sitting out as much as I do. One of the days here, we finish the second Mountain Man shirt.

The next morning is very cool and overcast but still peaceful.

The river flowing by so close is mesmerizing. I’d like to have my home by a river. Even though it is chilly, (the high was 53), there is enough sun peeking through the rapidly moving cumulus clouds that I am excited to be out walking and taking photos. I meet one of the neighbors walking his dog and walk to the day use area with him. It is nice to have someone to walk and chat with.

Later I walk up the hill to the tree line and get one bar of cell service. I am able to connect with my daughters for texts, which is what I hoped to accomplish. Along the way, I find several varieties of wildflowers and enjoy photographing them despite the wind .

Near one cluster of rocks, I find an old grave with a wooden marker. What a beautiful place to have a remembrance of a life lived in this valley. The rocks on this slope are covered with with lichen more colorful than any I’ve seen anywhere else.

Brief glimpses of sunlight coax me out on many short outings during the day. Each day I notice the river getting higher and higher. A spot where I found mushrooms nestled in tree roots is totally under water the next day.

Our last full day is again chilly and blustery, but I am grateful for the cooler temperatures compared to the heat wave across much of the nation and Europe. I am grateful that Cougar (our RV) is warm, the yerba matte tea is hot, and the view of the river is enchanting.

I finish reading The Tao of Abundance. It is good to read about and understand a much more peaceful and authentic way to live. In my journal I have a quote from Thich Nhat Hanh that supports this understanding of a harmonious way of life.
“Happiness is possible only when you stop running and cherish the present moment and who you are.”

I am grateful for the days we have had camped here at Divide Bridge and I am looking forward to seeing family soon.