July is off to a good start when my daughter Ang and a friend come out to my sister Nancy’s place to remove one of the dinette benches in our RV so the table can be turned lengthwise under the big window. It had struck me that this would be the way to make more usable room in Cougar. When the job is done, I am pleased with how much more spacious our front room is. There is still some reorganizing that needs to take place, but I know this is a good change and I am looking forward to making our living space more pleasing and harmonious.

On the mornings that I wake up before Clifford, I do a short Qigong routine before making coffee, being as quiet as possible so as to not disturb his sleep. Recalling a meditation from Holden Qigong, I breathe in, smile, exhale letting the smile melt into my heart as I think of something I am grateful for. My heart fills with gratitude and more “Pieces of Perfection” reveal themselves to me, such as a brief moment of sunlight on the wet grass. Other “Pieces of Perfection” these early July days – my first cup of French press coffee, light streaming though the aspen leaves and tall grass at the edge of the yard.

Morning is a time for me to read uplifting and insightful words. From the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra, I read: “Pay attention and check with the heart, with the actual feeling generated in regard to any decision or action.” My heart likes taking photos of trees and flowers. Many mornings, Nancy and I walk the dogs along the road or to the woods along the river, an activity providing many opportunities to be mindful of the beauty that surrounds us.

One morning, getting up a bit earlier than usual, I am excited to see mist rising from the nearby ponds and the river. I run out to take photos, but the mosquitoes are so bad, I decide to skip walking down the road. As the mist starts to lift, I change my mind and walk out to the highway, getting images that I really like. I am grateful to be alive to enjoy the beauty that surrounds me, despite annoying mosquitoes.

Sometimes one has to wonder the how and why of one’s vibration drawing unpleasant things, especially when one (me) is living with a positive attitude or maybe I should say trying to maintain an attitude of gratitude and appreciation. A thought that comes to mind is Allowing. I like sitting out, but the mosquitoes that keep me inside call for Allowing, mice inside despite traps call for Allowing, not hearing from my kids when I know they are facing challenges calls for Allowing — accepting what is, but not focusing on it, as that only draws more of the unwanted.
Cleaning counter tops showing evidence of a mouse (yuk!), I think of my friend Caroline’s comments on cleaning/cleansing one’s home being a spiritual activity as well as a physical activity, and I try to keep a good attitude about this additional work and enjoy the view out the window of the trees, green grass, and sparkles of moisture twinkling in the slight breeze.

An afternoon thunderstorm gives the gift of a rainbow, which is certainly a piece of perfection.

Evenings bring sunset colors to mountains and clouds.

We are looking forward to going to the Hardtimes Bluegrass Festival coming up later this month, but in the meantime, we are pleased with this pleasant spot at Nancy’s.