As always here at Black Rock Road where Clifford and I are camped, the openness of the land allows for great views of sunrise and sunset.
Sun Rising Through Haze
Since the setting of the moon is not at an ideal time for the best light, I have fun with photo editing to capture the essence of the moment.
Moon Setting Over the Mesa
Although I am not seeing many wildflowers except for the tiny filaree and the yellow blossoms of Mormon Tea, I am enjoying making composites of the rosemary in the window and the branches of the creosote that surrounds us.
Filaree Closeup
BeCreative composite – Filaree
BeCreative Composite of Creosote and Rosemary
But one day, it happens to be Easter, while walking up the rise to the west, I spot a small clump of globe mallow, its tiny reddish-orange blossoms making a small splash of color in the desert. I am delighted and over the next few days, I visit them often, taking numerous photos, some of which are then used for greetings to family and friends and for new composites.
Globe Mallow at Black Rock
BeCreative Composite of Globe Mallow and Rosemary
BeCreative Composite of Globe Mallow and Dry Weeds
One of the best things that happened this month was my daughter, Becka, replacing my old phone with a brand new iphone, the 13pro. I am having so much fun taking photos with this amazing device!
Ladybug on a Desert Marigold
Clockweed at Black Rock
As the month goes on, Clifford and I both continue our projects, and we discuss our departure date. We had planned on leaving in April to travel to northern Nevada to camp for awhile before heading on to Montana. However, northern Nevada is cold and much snow remains in the area of our intended destination.
Toward the end of April, the morning inspirational reading is a passage from Thich Nhat Hanh on Aimlessness. “Your purpose is to be yourself. Be yourself. Life is precious as it is. All the elements for your happiness are already here. There is no need to run, strive, search, or struggle. Just be. Just being in the moment in this place is the deepest practice of meditation.” This wise advice so perfectly matches my quiet time in the mornings and my solitary walks in the desert.
Dried Weeds in the Wash
Happily, by the end of April, even though we are not yet leaving, both indigo bush and creosote bushes begin to bloom. I have never seen an indigo bush before, so the brilliant purple is a delight to me, while the tiny yellow blossoms of the creosote bring a blush of gold to the desert. Warmer days allow us to spend more time outdoors.
Indigo Bush at Black Rock
Indigo Bush Blossom
Creosote Blossoms at Black Rock
Creosote Blossom Closeup
Life is good and we will wait for the right time to leave Black Rock.
Our Nomad Cougar in the Black Rock Road Desert of Arizona
Here it is April, spring in the desert, windy, and Clifford and I are camped at Black Rock Road in northwest Arizona.
Clifford and Carol at Black Rock Road, Ariona
April 1st, a great start to the month is the poem “Bones” by Mary Oliver, which I write out and add my comment for the day’s journal entry, as the poem speaks to me as I walkabout the desert.
I am on the lookout for wildflowers, but so far not many to be seen, except for one clump of desert marigold in the wash.
Desert Marigolds in the Wash
Morning quiet time is precious to me and sometimes I am up in time to catch the very moment of the rising sun before I make coffee and don warmer clothing for sitting outside.
Moment of Sunrise
As often as I can I sit outside surrounded by creosote with a view of Pine Mountain to the north and mesas all around as I enjoy the morning coffee and write in my journal.
Pine Mountain to the North
Our monthly trip to Littlefield to get our mail is a delightful trip through the Virgin River Gorge. Most people take this curving route through the gorge at interstate speed (I-10) not even aware of the magnificence they are rushing past.
Virgin RiverVirgin River Gorge
We go on a couple of outings with our friend David. One trip is to a ranch out in the boonies west of St. George. We see views of the gorgeous red cliffs along the way and we have a good time exploring the ranch, which has come up as a possibility of a winter camping spot next year. It’s a bit remote for us, but not impossible.
Red Cliffs of Southwest UtahDavid and Clifford at the Ranch in the Boonies
The next day we go to Colorado City, a small town on the border between Arizona and Utah, as there is a fresh water spring there that is worth the journey.
Cliffs at Colorado City, ArizonaSpring Water at Maxwell Park, Colorado City, Arizona
It is exceedingly scenic, both on the travel to the town, as well as swinging by Sand Hollow State Park on our way back to Black RockRoad. I do love outings for the scenic value, and I’m really glad to have such good water to drink.
Sand Hollow State Park, Utah
Shortly after these outings, my sister Nancy and her husband Dick come for a visit on their way back to Montana after visiting our brother Rollie and his wife Tata in southeast Arizona.
My Sister Nancy
It was a long haul for Nancy and Dick and I am very happy that they were willing to go out of their way to visit us. We don’t have many visitors all winter long, and while Clifford and David are great fellows, it sure is nice when I have another gal to talk to, especially a sister type gal. Nancy and I have coffee in the morning and go for long walks in the desert in the afternoons.
Carol and Nancy at Black Rock, Arizona
All too soon they head back to Montana. Good-bye until summer, but in the meantime, I will continue my meanderings, watching for the coming of wildflowers.