Friday January 5: Today’s temps: 45/76 and mostly sunny. Doesn’t get much better than this.
Today wasn’t a particularly productive day, but I got a few things ready for the post office for the next time we go to town. Clifford has a couple of business calls to take care of, but mostly he focuses on his ham radio. Rollie and I do music in the afternoon and then we all have dinner at the campfire.

I stay up until midnight to finish reading the Tony Hillerman novel that I started a few days ago.
Saturday January 6: Slightly warmer than yesterday, but cloudy.
I go for a morning walk in the early morning, leaving the camper when there is just enough light to see to walk safely. It is a wonderful mysterious time of day.
Clifford and I decide to go to Parker for errands and supplies, as Quartzsite is somewhat lacking in what we need. We are back at camp in time for a quick dinner and then we all head off to the QIA venue, which Clifford jokingly calls the Geriatric Improvement Association since most of the audience are seniors. Tonight is the McDougal Peter, Paul, & Mary concert. This group plays Peter, Paul, & Mary songs in the Peter, Paul, & Mary style. They are very good and the concert was most enjoyable. Later, back at camp, we discover that Clifford’s new binoculars are missing and suspect they were on the hood of the car when we left.
Sunday January 7: Slightly cooler today and jet trails mar the sky.
First thing this morning, I walk out to the main road looking for the missing binoculars, but they must have fallen off further down the road and are no where to be found. Rollie and I make a morning campfire and sit outside to enjoy our hot beverages. Clifford has a ham net in the morning, so does not join us.
In the afternoon Clifford goes to the gun show in Quartzsite. I thought I’d get a lot done while he is gone, but the hotspot is not working and it is too cloudy to charge my laptop. Ah well, play music with Rollie instead. We have nachos for dinner at the campfire after Clifford gets home.
Clean up and then read until bedtime, starting a different Tony Hillerman novel.
Monday January 8: Temps: 54/72 and cloudy.
I go for a walk in the desert before sunrise and catch some of the delicate pretty color of this morning’s offering.

After breakfast, Clifford and I go for a hike across the desert to the mountain that we see in the background to the east.

This mountain, actually a hill, is made of shale and covered with beautiful pieces of quartz. Being away from the path of most folks, the rocks are not picked over and I could have taken a truckload, but have to settle for a few that will fit in my fanny pack.

I love the desert here… the stark rugged mountains, along with the vegetation and the beautiful rocks.