Thursday August 30: Today will be the fishing day on the Sun River, but to start the morning, my brother Rollie and I have coffee in his motor home, parked in the town of Sun River, Montana. About a mile from here is the farm where I raised my family, and this little town was where my kids went to school and where some friends from those days still live. This area was my home for twenty years, and my son Matt and his kids still live here. Sun River has become more and more run down in the twenty years plus years since then, partly due to laws that limit rebuilding after flood damage. It is sad to see.
Matt and his friend Lexie join Rollie and me for breakfast in the motor home and we make our plans for the fishing trip. Rocky Reef on the Sun River will be our destination. We decide to forego a picnic and will just return to the motor home for lunch when everyone gets hungry.

Rocky Reef is a rock formation that juts out into the river creating a deep pool at its base. Although the river is low this year, the pool remains deep. While the other three – Matt, Rollie, and Lexie – fish, I wander the banks and climb the rock formation to take photos.

Sun River looking downstream from Rocky Reef Sun River looking upstream from Rocky Reef
Rollie and Ninja catching fish Rollie, Matt, and Pandora fishing

Matt is an outstanding fisherman and he is the only one who catches fish. Three good-size trout will make a tasty dinner tonight.

After meeting Matt’s boss (Matt works near here and his boss let him have the day off for my visit), we head on back to the motor home for lunch. The fishermen will try a different fishing hole this afternoon, and a decision is made to just walk down to the river from here rather than driving somewhere else.
Matt and his chainsaw angel Pandora, Matt, Angel, Carol

Back at the river, fishing continues. Rollie has to catch his hat after it blows into the river and I stack rocks to amuse myself before heading back to the motor home.

In the early evening, my grand-daughter Aurora and her friend Alex come join the rest of us for baked trout dinner. As dinner is cooking, Rollie and I play a few of our bluegrass tunes for them, and after dinner we make tea and chat until late.

It was a good visit. Tomorrow Rollie and I will head back to Seeley Lake.