Sunday February 24: Visiting my daughter Becka, a teacher in Atlanta, has been so much fun. This morning she makes us a great scrambled egg, steak, and potato breakfast before she goes off to school to get her classroom ready for the coming week. When she returns, she and her friend Jason take me to Stone Mountain. This unusual “mountain” is a big stone hill surrounded by Atlanta and its suburbs. It is a popular recreation area and there are hundreds of other people here to hike Stone Mountain, just as we are. Luckily we find a place to park and with water bottles and cell phones for taking photos, up we go. It is quite pretty and interesting, the stone path also being a natural course for the stream that runs down the hill.

Becka at the beginning of the hike Warm down at the bottom We don sweatshirts as we climb Jason and Becka Atlanta in the distance Stone pathway
At the top it is very windy and chilly, but luckily sunny, and we have a great time hiking.

After stopping at Golden Corral for dinner, back at Becka’s place we watch a recommended movie, “Zookeeper’s Wife,” only to find that it is quite a grim depressing movie about war and not very fun to watch. Oh well. Becka goes to bed early, as she has school tomorrow. I stay up a bit longer to text Clifford about the day and then read before going to bed.

Monday February 25: Becka leaves early for her teaching day and I have the place pretty much to myself except for Kufu, her shy cat, and a short visit with Jason before he goes about his business. It is a day of blog writing, photo editing, editing a book proposal for an author I know, a call with Clifford, and reading the book I picked up at the neighborhood library. I also start packing a couple boxes to mail stuff back to myself since I have acquired too much to fit in the backpack for the flight back Tucson. I have dinner nearly ready when Becka get home from school and after we eat, we go for a short neighborhood walk. Back at her place, while she does lesson plans, I correct papers for her. What a big job! She could use a couple of really good assistants to do this chore. Then off to bed after sending texts to Clifford and reading awhile.
Tuesday February 26: Today is my last day here in Atlanta visiting Becka. She gets off school a bit earlier today so we have time to hang out on her deck in the sunshine before she gives me a ride to the airport.

She buys us a snack and we visit until time for me to go through security. I had such a great time with her and I know I will miss her. I am already looking forward to our next opportunity to spend time together.