Wednesday April 26th – I take photos of the mesas at sunrise,
Morning light on the mesa
say good-bye to the young couple who spent the night camped next to us, then run through the campground before taking the path down to the Colorado River. So soul-nourishing to just sit by the river.
Sitting by the river
Back at camp, I do some editing and then sit outside to write in my journal and play cello.
Drinks Canyon Cello
Clifford spent most of the day fussing with his radios and antennas, getting things working. We have chili for dinner and end the day reading “My Grandfather’s Blessings.”
Thursday morningwe take the Suburban into the auto repair shop, but they can’t diagnose it, since it starts there just fine. As we get ready to leave, it doesn’t start, so we wait around while they replace a part that could be the problem. It is no surprise to me when it doesn’t start as we are preparing to leave. We head on over to the Chevy dealership and make arrangements to bring it to them tomorrow morning.
Colorado River from the bridge at Lion’s Park where we stop to get water
Back at camp, it is much too windy to take the cello out, even too windy to feel like going out for evening photos.
Friday morning weleave early for the Chevy dealership. They have a decent place to sit and wifi, so I post a blog and take care of email while Clifford studies. We walk to Eddie McStiff’s to have lunch with our friend, David. From the parking lot, I take a photo of a few flakes of snow, almost mist-like blowing in from the west; we are hearing of 6” or more in places where family and friends live in Montana and Colorado. Winter is hanging on.
The Chevy dealership diagnoses potential problems and replaces the fuel pump regulator, which we discover later, did NOT fix the problem, as the Suburban won’t start once it is turned off. Bah humbug, and we are still having to use starter fluid.
Odd cloud seen as we drive back to camp
Back at camp, we have a light dinner and I finish reading “My Grandfather’s Blessings.”
Saturday morning we head back to Moab to the Chevy dealership, as we cannot call them from camp. Plans are made to bring it back on Monday and leave it. We go to the antique car show at the city park, planning to meet friends there. Lots of nifty old cars, but after an hour walking about in the chilly wind, our friends have not arrived, so we go on to the library to take care of business. Seems the Verizon tower is being repaired, so most of our messages are not getting through to each other about what is going on. Nobody’s fault, but really frustrating. Back at camp, after a light dinner, I take photos of the mesas at sunset.
Colorado River at sunset
Sunday morning is sunny, so I make tea and sit outside to write in my journal before going for a run to the lower campground.
Our campsite at Drinks Canyon CampgroundMake tea and sit outside to write in journal
From there, I decide to see if I can find a trail up the draw between the mesas on the other side of the highway. The trail is a bit sketchy, but I hike a ways in and find a nice boulder beside the creek where I can sit quietly for a bit. It is really a sweet place and I’m hoping Clifford will hike with me here before we leave.
Hiking up a little creek coming down a draw between mesasMesas on every side of meDelightful Indian Paintbrush
Back at camp, it is warm enough to play cello outside before dinner. Clifford has gotten his science instruments out and has been studying the composition of various oils, which ties into his research. Nice to have a day at camp.