It’s a New Year – January 2020

Wednesday January 1 to Saturday January 4: It is great having some days to stay put at our Elephant Butte New Mexico State Park campsite with no business to take care of and no errands to run.

Sunrise at Elephant Butte State Park, New Mexico
Cougar on the bluff at sunrise

One afternoon Clifford and I saunter down to the beach from our campsite on the bluff above Elephant Butte Lake. It is interesting to notice the rock formations, which are most likely a function of receding water, sort of how stalactites are formed, but horizontal action.

Walking with Clifford
Rattlesnake Island

We play our instruments outside, not really a warm temperatures, but pleasant enough on the lee side of Cougar in the sun and out of the wind.

Clifford and the dulcimer spend time outside

I’ve felt that I’m not finding a rhythm to my morning “quiet time,” but the insights of a photographer friend brings an understanding that the time I spend seeking and sharing the beauty of nature is in itself the connection to Source that I am desiring.

Views near sunset

We are grateful to be here with the lake below us, sunshine on the solar panels, and decent cell service for the hotspot: email, blog posting, photo editing, posting photos for family and friends, and my Higher Vibration Photo Series are among the things that happen when we have power and internet.

A colorful sunset at Elephant Butte State Park

A side note: Australia is on fire and Trump is sending troops to Kuwait. I have concerns for my son-in-law who is stationed nearby.

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