Thursday January 25: I put the files for the Quartzfest photo contest on a flash drive, and Clifford and I drop them off at the Event Center on our way to Quartzsite for errands. Just the usual errands, except that we also go to La Mesa RV and look at trailers there. It is an info-gathering stop. They do not have much of a selection in the size that would work for us, but it was fun to look.
Looking at trailers at La Mesa RV
We are in a thinking mode about how we might make a better arrangement for Clifford’s research while we are on the road. He does a lot as it is, but a dedicated space would be an improvement.
Friday January 26:
This morning after tea with Rollie, we walk down to the Welcome Center to vote on the photos in the photo contest. I see that I have two photos in the Nature category and one in the Technical category that have made it to the finals and are posted on the bulletin board.
Rollie and Ninja
Today I work on agent letters and prepare another page of edits for Ang’s “Dragons of Va’Ha’Den” fantasy series. My son Fin sends a short video, via FB messenger, of himself, his wife Mandy, and baby Mollie. So great to see them! It would be wonderful if they could come to the States for a visit.
We have stir-fry and rice for dinner and while we eat, Rollie tells us stories about his time in Kentucky and in the army. So much of his life I am unfamiliar with. It is good that we are getting to know each other a bit more as we travel together here.
Saturday January 27: Thirty-four degrees and a chilly wind this morning when I walk down to the Welcome Center to get catalogs and look at the swap meet. Later we all go down for the Closing Ceremony. Lots of items are given away during the drawings. The most fun is the photo contest results: I take first place in Nature, first place in Technical, and the Grand Prize, overall. I am quite pleased!
First place – TechnicalFirst place – Nature and overall Grand Prize
Before the Closing is finished, we get word that Cousin Bill and his wife Sally are on their way to camp with us again and will be here shortly. Rollie volunteers to get his S10 and lead them in through the maze of RV’s where there was virtually nothing but open desert when they were here before.
This afternoon Amateur Radio Winter Field Day begins, which, although not part of Quartzfest, wraps of the week of concentrated ham radio for Clifford.