Saturday March 10 – This morning Rollie and I have a campfire and music outside at our Molino Basin campsite before it gets too windy.
Morning at Molina Basin Campground – the white square in the center is our camper
Then we – Clifford, Rollie, and I – decide to hike a bit of the Arizona Trail, as it goes right through the campground. It is a scenic trail, in a desert sort of way, very rocky, but decent.
Clifford and Rollie on the Arizona Trail above Molino Basin CampgroundClifford and Rollie on the Arizona TrailLooking back toward Molino Basin CampgroundRollie looks down at the campground belowClifford and Rollie look toward the saddleThe trail to the saddle
We hike to the first saddle, maybe a couple miles, and sit on a rock outcropping to enjoy the expansive views.
View from the saddle
The wind starts to blow and within minutes it becomes quite chilly. I am sure glad I had a windbreaker and stocking hat with me. Rollie and Clifford also put on extra layers. Ninja, Rollie’s little dog, is the only one who seems unruffled by the change in temperature.
Ninja is unruffledRock formations seen from the Arizona Trail at Molino BasinClose-up of rock formations
Back at the campground, we see a beautiful horse being groomed for a photo shoot; the location they choose is the gnarly oak tree at our campsite, so we sit back and watch as the photographer poses the pretty girl with the gorgeous horse.
After dinner, Rollie and I play a game of cribbage. Finish out the day with updates to my planner and writing in the journal.