Friday March 31st – Snow and sleet off and on all day, with the high being only in the mid-30’s.
Snowy morning at North Campground
For this whole trip, while much of the nation, including where my kids and siblings live, has been overwhelmed with snow, on our travels we have had none. Until now!
This morning I go to the Rim Trail, hike to Sunset Point and then on to Sunrise Point, which is another half mile. I was mesmerized by the snow, almost mist-like, falling on the formations in the canyon.
Living on the Rim (Trail)View where the trail from the campground joins the Rim TrailSnowy morning on the Rim TrailSnowy view from Sunrise PointHiking on the Rim TrailHiking on the Rim TrailHiking on the Rim Trail – close up of the formationView from Sunset PointMisty snow in the canyonSnowing on the trail as I hike back to campNearing the junction to the campgroundOld tree at Bryce Canyon
I sure was hungry by time I got back to camp. Memo to self: be sure to take a snack of some sort in the camera bag when going on a photo outing before breakfast.
After breakfast we planned to go for the scenic drive the length of the park and stop at other view points that we have not yet seen. However, the Suburban won’t start, which is a great disappointment to us, as we thought that it had been fixed. So, it is a stay-at-home day. Clifford does his studying and research while I download my camera and do some editing. Talk to my daughter Becka when she calls on her way home from school. It is a productive day, in spite of the Suburban issues.