Sunday January 1st is Day 87 of our winter journey. For the first time at City of Rocks, I have a morning campfire, as it seems an appropriate way to start the new year.
Campfire in the rain
The location is not ideal, but it is the intent that counts, so I sit by my little fire sipping hot tea until the rain drives me in. Now, I know how to have a good campfire in the rain, but in an RV park (which the electric sites are) surrounded by $100,000 giant 5th wheels and motor-homes, that is not the ideal place to have a good roaring campfire. And besides that, I can’t read or write in the rain.
I have only enough time for breakfast and then head to the Visitors Center for the planned New Year’s Day hike with a ranger. I join a very small group of hardy souls and off we go for a 2-mile hike in the rain. It was not a terrifically scenic hike, but it was fun.
Hiking in the rainLone tree on a rainy day
Back at camp, I see how many of my projects I can do with the limited bytes per day: send an edited chapter to Ang, post a blog/photos on my website with a link on FB, post an older blog to the blogsite and twitter. Got that done with less than my daily allotment – hooray.
Toward sunset, Clifford goes for a walk in the rocks with me; I stay longer to eke out the last of the sunlight for photos.
Sun nears the horizonLast lightLast light of the day lights up a shrub in the rocksLast light of the day casts a pinkish glow on the rocks facing westGoing downPretty cloud color in the east at sunset
We have nachos for dinner and I start reading a Tony Hillerman novel. A very good 1st day of 2017.
Monday January 2nd I am up in time to see very pretty sunrise colors.
Vivid colors at sunriseVivid colors at sunrise
As I walk in the rocks, I find several depressions in the rocks that have filled with water from the recent rains.
Rain water in the rocksMount Cooke from City of the RocksMount Cooke shrouded in clouds with a dusting of snow
Today is an errand day, so we head to Silver City as soon as possible. Adobe Cafe, the bank, and Walmart are the only stops, so we are back at camp in time to enjoy the afternoon. After putting groceries and sundries away, I pick up the book I started reading last night and read the rest of the day, nearly missing a very vibrant sunset.
Vibrant sunsetSunset at City of Rocks
After taking a few photos, I finish reading the Tony Hillerman novel and start reading “The Last Juror” by John Grisham. Kind of a lazy day for me.
3 thoughts on “Winter Journey – New Year at City of Rocks – January 2017”
Hi Carol,
Your above photo, “Mount Cooke shrouded in clouds with a dusting of snow” with the ghostly-like clouds in front of Mt. Cooke, and with the glowing yellow-orange “halo” over it’s peak, has a very ancient-timeless and mystical-Spiritual feel.
It was hard to get good photos that morning because of the chemtrails, but Mount Cooke was most unusual with its “halo.” I had the same feeling about that you sensed in seeing the photo. Thank you for your comment.
Oh, this brings back such bittersweet memories. Yup, bad and good. You’ve, once again, captured lovely photos of that alien place ;). Enjoy being lazy. You’ve earned it.
Hi Carol,
Your above photo, “Mount Cooke shrouded in clouds with a dusting of snow” with the ghostly-like clouds in front of Mt. Cooke, and with the glowing yellow-orange “halo” over it’s peak, has a very ancient-timeless and mystical-Spiritual feel.
It was hard to get good photos that morning because of the chemtrails, but Mount Cooke was most unusual with its “halo.” I had the same feeling about that you sensed in seeing the photo. Thank you for your comment.
Oh, this brings back such bittersweet memories. Yup, bad and good. You’ve, once again, captured lovely photos of that alien place ;). Enjoy being lazy. You’ve earned it.