Sunday October 23rd, I read “Dances With Wolves” with my morning tea instead of writing in my journal – not sure that is legal! After breakfast we go to Moab to run errands and have a picnic sitting on big rocks under the trees at Lion’s Park.
Roadside view driving to Moab
On the way back to our campground, we check out the BLM campgrounds along the way: Lone Mesa is a bit too far off the highway on a washboard road; Horsethief is a future possibility. Too late to play cello by time we get back to camp and I’m feeling like I might be coming down with whatever Clifford had, so have a cup of tea and early to bed.
Monday October 24th, I finish reading “Dances With Wolves.” I don’t feel great today, but we go for a picnic at Upheaval Dome anyway. We find a picnic table with a nice view, but the wind has come up and probably not the best thing for me to be outdoors today. I am not up for the hike uphill to see the dome itself, so will have to save that for another trip.
Drive to Upheaval Dome
Back at camp, I rest, while Clifford plays with his ham radio. After dinner, Clifford does the dishes so I can go to bed. Heavy rain in the night.
Tuesday October 25th, we just have vege juice for breakfast, as we need to pack up and head on down the road to nearby Dead Horse State Park, where we are meeting friends from Colorado.
Crossing the mesa from Canyonlands NP to Dead Horse State Park
View of the canyon from Dead Horse State Park
One of my sisters calls; Mom is in the hospital again, and it could be more serious this time. I start looking into bus fares in case I need to head back to Montana; automated systems are not helpful – please give me a human being!
Clifford and I go for a hike with our friends along the West Rim Trail out to the Rim Overlook. Because of the rain last night, the depressions in the rocks are filled with rain water, which provides interesting photo opportunities.
Rock puddles and a mesa on the West Rim Trail
At Rim Overlook with the canyons in shadow
Rock puddles and junipers at Rim Overlook
Even though the canyon is in shadow, the views are spectacular.
Spectacular Views
Our friend finds a vantage point for canyon gazing
Shadows in the canyon
As we walk back to the campground, the last light of the setting sun bring warmth of color to the westward-facing mesas and our immediate surroundings.
Last rays bring warm color to the mesa
Immediate surroundings brightened by the last light of the sun
Though I am surrounded by the scenic beauty of the area and the company of our friends, I am preoccupied with trying to figure out bus schedules and decisions about when (not if) to head to Montana. The word from my siblings is that Mom is stable and plans are being made for rehab to see if she will be able to return home or not. Maybe I don’t need to rush the bus decision yet, but I am uneasy as the day ends.
At the day’s end
One thought on “Winter Journey – Dead Horse State Park – October 2016”
You’ve done a great job of capturing the beauty of the Canyonlands. But worrying about a loved one sure does put a little damper on the beauty for you. I am so sorry.
You’ve done a great job of capturing the beauty of the Canyonlands. But worrying about a loved one sure does put a little damper on the beauty for you. I am so sorry.