Sunday November 13th is catch-up day: After taking photos of the Colorado River, I write in my journal, check email and bank balances (hotspot internet is very marginal, but better than nothing), and do some editing for the Montana author. We figure out where the propane smell is coming from – the regulator will have to be replaced.The campground is nearly empty today, so I walk about salvaging leftover firewood.
Walkabout looking for firewoodBeautiful blue sky day
Once the sun goes behind the mesa to the west, the temperature drops considerably, even though it is still light out.
The sun goes behind the mesa to the west
I take a few more photos of the river before making a campfire to extend the daylight time outdoors.
Colorado River downstream in the late afternoonColorado River upstream in the late afternoon
When it is too dark to read or write by the light of the campfire, I come in and make applesauce with some of the apples that I had gathered back in Idaho, amazed that they have lasted so long.
Monday November 14th is a town day for us and we head to Moab right after breakfast for groceries, laundromat, and several other short errands. Back at camp, I put groceries and clean clothes away, thinking about how Mom and I, after a trip to the laundromat when I was a kid, would fold heaps of clean clothes while my younger siblings would scamper off with piles of folded clothes to be put away. I call my sister Lillian to share the memory, but no answer, so just leave a message. Lots of memories, lots of feelings to work through.
The mesa to the east takes on a rich color as the sun sets
2 thoughts on “Winter Journey – Colorado River Canyon – November 2016”
…I hope your/those “Good Memories of Mom” keep on a’coming like a long peace train!
And I gotta’Love that “Beautiful BLUE SKY day” photo. Looking at your nature/landscape photographs Carol, I’m oft’reminded that I never tire of seeing Natural Beauty! …Thanks
The beauty of nature is what refreshes our souls. I am compelled to seek that and to share it as best I can. I always appreciate your awareness and your comments.
…I hope your/those “Good Memories of Mom” keep on a’coming like a long peace train!
And I gotta’Love that “Beautiful BLUE SKY day” photo. Looking at your nature/landscape photographs Carol, I’m oft’reminded that I never tire of seeing Natural Beauty! …Thanks
The beauty of nature is what refreshes our souls. I am compelled to seek that and to share it as best I can. I always appreciate your awareness and your comments.