Friday December 23rd – fog coming up off the river covers the campground this morning. For me, this is photo opportunity time, so I pull on sweats over my pj’s, grab a coat and a camera, and out the door I go. I walk along the river, appreciating the visual effects created by the fog.
Gnarly tree in the fogFoggy reflections on the riverTrees in the fogGrasses along the riverMesa reflection
As the fog lifts, things begin to look normal again, so I head back to our campsite. Clifford is up and has a great idea: we should go Christmas shopping for me. Now, I am not so much into shopping for stuff for myself, but this is an opportunity not to be passed up. We go to T or C again and have breakfast out to celebrate our 17th anniversary today. Then over to Walmart (what else is there in T or C?) where Clifford buys me a long sweater and a pair of shoes. Fun for me, for sure!
Highway to Truth or Consequences
On the way back, we explore the nearby dispersed camping area. No one is there now, but it is probably popular some times of the year.
Exploring the dispersed camping area
We are back to our campground early enough for me to play cello outside; some guy comes by and stops to listen and then asks if he can take a photo of me playing my cello!
I walk up to the top of the dam and even though I am there too early for sunset photos, it is a nice vantage point.
View of the mesa from the top of the dam
Friday December 24th – a short errand today: post office at Arrey, our last chance to check for mail here, as we will be moving soon. I find the most protected side of Terry and play cello outside in spite of the wind. It was a really good session and I almost didn’t do it because of the wind. In the later afternoon, I walk about to find the best vantage point to get photos of the mesa at sunset.
Mesa at sunset
Back at camp, we have a special Christmas Eve dinner – not nearly as fancy as the dinners that my grandma used to make, but pretty darn good considering we are in a little camper!
Saturday December 25th – Christmas Day: I decide to have a campfire this morning, as it is the last chance to use up all that wood I have stashed here. It is a nice quiet time, sitting by the campfire, meditating on the meaning of Christmas in my life, and writing in my journal. Today would have been my mom’s 91st birthday. I sure miss being able to call her to wish her Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas.
Christmas morning campfire
Between phone, text, email, and FB, I connect with family and friends. After dinner, I begin packing up everything that can be packed ahead of time. Tomorrow is moving day and the more I do tonight, the easier it is in the morning.