Cacti Forest to Tombstone – February into March 2019

Wednesday February 27: What a switch from Atlanta back to Cacti Forest, from millions of people to a mere handful within walking distance of our campsite at Cacti Forest, where Clifford has been camped this past week while I was in Atlanta visiting my daughter Becka. It is good to be back “home,” but I do miss the fun and comradery I had with Becka.

Back to Cacti Forest
Artistic rendition of Cacti Forest

We make a trip out to get a few supplies and when we get back to camp, we begin packing up, as we will be leaving tomorrow. In the evening we sit out and watch the sunset. This has been a good place for us and maybe one day we will return.

Watching the sunset at Cacti Forest

Thursday February 28: We finish packing and leave Cacti Forest, heading to Benson, east of Tucson, where we will stay at SKP Saguaro RV Park. Dry camping is limited to three days, but only $5 a night. We are lucky to get a campsite at the back of the lot with the desert behind us and a small cacti garden beside us. While Clifford naps, I walk through the grounds of this place, mostly comprised of streets of tiny homes and RV’s, with beautiful desert landscaping. Very civilized.

SKP Saguaro RV Park
Carol, Clifford, and Cougar at SKP Saguaro RV Park.
Metal javelinas look almost real in the small cacti garden

In the evening we go to the laundromat, which is in the centrally located Community Center. It is necessary to get the laundry caught up before our next destination, and I also make good use of free wifi while I am there.

Sunset color on Dragoon Mountains

Friday March 1: Today is our Tucson day – taking care of errands in the big city. I am still trying to figure out the FB issue, as, at this point, I no longer have access to my FB account, my Quiet Walk Photography page, or any of the groups that I was admin for, on either the phone or laptop. It appears that the problem is not related to the phone per se, even though that is where the problem started. Nothing is resolved at the Verizon store. Other errands include Bookman’s, Trader Joe’s, and Southwest Strings. Then back to our campsite at the RV park in time for the Mardi Gras parade, a big community affair with much honking of horns, and candy and colorful strands of beads flung about.

Bookman’s in Tucson

Texts with my siblings include plans for a July sledding party, since they still have lots of snow and more on the way. They figure there will be enough left in July to go sledding. Haha.

Saturday March 2: Today is Tombstone Day, as it is much easier to get there from Benson than from Cochise Stronghold, which is what we have done in the past. This time we go to Boothill Cemetery, which reveals a way of life with many violent deaths.

Then on to the old town, parking in our usual spot. We browse our favorite clothing store awhile before I buy a skirt and Clifford buys a top for me.

We have lunch at the Longhorn Saloon, a great burger and sweet potato fries.

Lunch at the Longhorn Restaurant; stage coaches wait for passengers

At the honey store we learn more about the history of the area from the old-timer there, and a lot about killer bees. Killer bees are aggressive, but they are also resistant to the toxins and disease that are killing regular honey bees… and they produce honey. I buy a pint of killer bee honey. We walk to the courthouse, but decided to skip going in this time and go instead to the Rose Museum. This museum boasts the largest rose plant in the world. The trunk is huge and gnarly, the branches supported on a trellis covering 8,000 square feet. It is not in bloom now, of course, but a post card shows off this incredible rose bush when it is covered in blossoms.

The huge gnarly trunk of the largest rosebush in the world at the Rose Museum

Clifford is engaged in an extended conversation with the owner, whose grandfather was a settler here. The museum owner has written numerous books about the area, so is a source of information – the “inside scoop,” so to speak.

Rose Museum rooms

Then a trolley ride around town, always learning something new, but I prefer the horse and stagecoach version. We finish out Tombstone Day with homemade ice cream and then head back to the RV park. I make notes of highlights of the day and will write in the journal later. It was a fun day, but long, and soon time to head to bed.

Tombstone – Winter Journey – February 2018

Monday February 26: As soon as I get up this morning, I start heating water to make thermoses of tea and coffee. We are going to Tombstone for the day. We take a back road this time; it should be shorter than the route we have taken past years, and perhaps a more authentic journey to Tombstone.

Back road journey to Tombstone

Tombstone, a silver mining town founded in 1879 by prospector Ed Schieffelin, has quite a famous/infamous history in the old Southwest, including the O.K. Corral shootout between the Earp brothers and a gang of outlaws known as the Cowboys. The gunfight didn’t actually happen at this spot, but the name remains attached to the event.

O.K. Corral – infamous for a gunfight that did not happen here, but in an empty lot on Freemont Street

Too much to go into in this blog, but here is a link for those who are curious to learn more.,_Arizona

We spend some time touring the Bird Cage Theatre, one of the few original buildings, as fires in 1881 and 1882 destroyed much of the town. Since rebuilding commenced after each fire, the current buildings in old Tombstone date back 100 years or more.

Bird Cage Theatre

The Birdcage Theater was also a saloon, gambling parlor, and brothel. The history in this building alone takes hours to investigate.

Gambling and private bar were located in the lower rooms

Famous hearse with gold-plated trim, now housed in museum area of Bird Cage Theatre

Sign above hearse – much more affordable to be buried back then

Open casket at the top of the stairs from the lower rooms

Rumor has it that outlaws were displayed in an open front casket for public viewing

Bird Cage Theatre Stage

The patron in the theatre box upper left could look down on the stage

We also go on a stagecoach ride with a narrated history of the town.

Our stagecoach

Colorful renovations of Old Tombstone

As we pass by the railroad station, I take a photo and only later noticed the “body” hanging from the cross beam at the right edge of the frame.

Railroad Station; also the site of a hanging

After the stagecoach, we head over to the Longhorn Restaurant for a tasty lunch.

My favorite spot to browse is Ladies in Lace in the historic Oriental Saloon Building. I’m not able to find the skirt I was hoping to purchase here, but its still fun to browse the colorful clothing in this shop.

The courthouse, now a museum, is also of significant historical interest, but we didn’t have time to browse there – maybe next time.

Tombstone Courthouse

Although there is much more that could be seen, we are old fuddy-duddies and need to get ourselves back to camp before it gets too late.

Almost back to camp by sunset