The last weeks of May are marked by wind and highs in the mid-60’s. The final days of May are a bit warmer, so we make an outing to Abajo Mountain for a picnic and music.


A trip to Ace Hardware in Blanding twenty miles away gives us an excuse to stop at Recapture Reservoir on the way back to Monticello. We are always on the lookout for places to camp.

At the close of the month, we do an exploratory outing on Abajo Mountain, checking out a narrow rocky road that leads to a knoll with a scenic view, followed by a hike to find Taylor Springs.

Exploring Balsam root on Buckboard Knoll
Hiking on Abajo Friendly trees Looking for Taylor Spring

Besides our usual projects and these few outings, I take photos of blossoms in our yard, happy for their beauty in our lives.
Poppy Aged tulip