Thursday September 12 is our last morning at Seeley Lake Campground in the Seeley-Swan Valley of western Montana. I am awake and up before Clifford, and there isn’t any more packing I can do until he is up and showered. A heavy mist is rising from the meadow and the lake, so it is a great time for a last lake walk. I take photos of trees in the mist, and as I return to camp, the mist is lifting above the meadow and the sun is coming through, bringing bright color to the land.

Trees in the mist

Once Clifford is up, we have a light breakfast and finish packing and are on our way by 10:00 a.m. Our destination today is the Bass Creek Recreation Area in the Bitterroot Valley south of Missoula, Montana. We arrive there in the mid-afternoon and are really pleased to find that the site where we camped in July is available.

We get set up and shortly afterward, my brother Rollie arrives in his class A and finds a spot on the opposite side of the loop. After he gets set up, I make a late lunch for all of us. Later, Rollie and I play bluegrass music with Clifford as our appreciative audience. I miss the lake, but this is a good spot and it is especially good to have a few more days to see family before we head back to Utah.