Friday September 27: It is 35 degrees this morning at the McFarland BLM Campground where Clifford and I spent the night on our way to Craters of the Moon National Monument in south central Idaho. Since we didn’t unhitch last night, it doesn’t take long for us to be packed up and ready to go this morning.

The valley widens, the road is flat and straight, some of our easiest traveling ever.

We arrive at Craters of the Moon about noon and find that the sites are small, very close together, and most are designed for tents or small rigs. In spite of this, we find a nice pull-through spot with our own little ravine and lava piles that will provide a little privacy from nearby neighbors.

After we get set up, we drive the scenic loop, stopping at a couple pull-outs to hike a bit.

Trails in Craters of the Moon Mountain, once a volcano, in the distance Cinder Cones

We plan to explore a bit more another day, but for now, Clifford needs to nap after the drive, and I settle in to do some editing until the laptop battery runs out. After dinner I have time to write in the journal before starting the bedtime routine.

We are happy to have arrived and to have found a nice spot where we can hole up if the storm catches up to us.