Morning walks continue to be a source of inspiration for the Higher Vibration Series, the blogs, and for me personally as a calming and centering influence in troubled times.

Morning Walks
August 12th, we have a picnic with real people, a couple of women who were computer clients of Clifford’s back in the Santa Fe days. They are traveling together in a Class C, having intentions of seeing the country, plans totally put on hold by covid. However, since they are in our neck of the woods, having finally “escaped” from hot hot Arizona on their way back to New Mexico, we manage to pull off a picnic in the park behind the library. Big picnic tables under a shelter for shade, trees, and a spacious lawn provide a pleasant place to visit and share travel stories. It is so fun to actually visit with people in person, first time since May when my brother and his lady friend stopped by on their way to Montana.
A couple of days later, Clifford and I go for a hike, this time cross-country to the jeep road that we had discovered on a previous hike. We explore another road, but as it seems to go down down down, we forego it after awhile and just continue the jeep loop back to Pine Flats where we are camped. It was a great afternoon for a hike with lots of opportunities for photos.

Sasquatch kids at play? Friendly pines Twisted aspen Aspen family Clifford on the trail
While the world seems to be in turmoil with covid, controversy and contradictions at every turn, we are at peace on the mountain.