October has been a fun and colorful month. Rollie and Tata and I make another trip up Abajo Mountain, this time for a brief stop at Lloyd Lake on the edge of town, then on up the mountain to where Pipe Line trail joins the mountain road. The views and the colors are exceptional.

The last few days before Rollie and Tata leave are spent enjoying the nice weather, sitting outside and playing music together every day.

The 24th is a blustery day, but they have intentions of getting to southern Arizona before an approaching weather front. We have plans to join them in a few days at Cochise Stronghold, one of our favorite camping spots in the southeast corner of Arizona.

Looks like they left just in time, as the next day snow and cold are a serious reminder that winter will soon be on the way. Montana already has foot of snow and more on the way with a forecast for 0 degrees tonight. (This turns out to be a 100-year record for snow in October in Montana.)
However, before the end of the month, with Cougar organized and packed for the winter journey and the CI Disclosure Project nearing completion, Clifford and I are able to make one last trip up Abajo.