September 15 to September 30, 2020
Suburban is not running well, so outings are very limited. I make one unremarkable trip to Lloyd Lake on the edge of town, just to get out of town.
Lloyd Lake Abajo Mountain

The following week to celebrate the Autumn Equinox, we make one trip up Abajo Mountain for a picnic and are pleased to see the glorious autumn colors of the maples and aspens. They are such a delight to see and photograph.

A highlight of this latter part of September is receiving a package from Becka including her “old” cell phone, a very nice iPhone, refurbished for my use. With her help, it is set up for me with the apps I need and I have the fun of having a much more capable “camera” at my fingertips.
Gifts from Becka Rare selfie with new phone Experimenting

An important thing going on during these last weeks of the month is the continuation of the Carnicom Institute Disclosure Project begun earlier in September, as Clifford videos himself discussing his 20+ years of research, putting the highlights in an hour presentation that has the potential of being presented to a panel of doctors, and then being disseminated. This is a very busy and intensive time for him, while I clean, reorganize and begin packing Cougar in preparation for our winter trip to Arizona.