Monday December 19th- it was so windy in the night here at Riverside Campground in southern New Mexico that I didn’t sleep well and am awake by 6:00 a.m. I make tea and have quiet time while Clifford sleeps. Today I write greeting cards to send to my kids and close friends. These are cards that I have made using my favorite photos over the years, each one unique. After a trip to the post office in Arrey, even though it is only 55 degrees and breezy, it is warm enough on the protected sunny side of Terry (our camper) that I am able to play cello outside for a while.
Near sunset, the last rays of the sun light up the mesa to the east.
Mesa to the east near sunset
Tuesday December 20th, I walk down to the river in the morning, as it feels good to be out in the cool freshness that time of day.
A walk to the river
Today is another day of editing and blog writing, as well as getting current with the bookwork. Today I reorganize the spices, and in the afternoon, the cello comes out again.
Riverside Cello
In the evening I meet the neighbors when they make a campfire, two women who have just started the road-trip lifestyle. Always fun to get to know the neighbors, since we can all learn from each others’ experiences.
Clifford has been studying for his next ham radio test and doing some testing with his portable visible-light spectrometer. No end of projects for both of us, it seems.
Wednesday December 21st is an errand and shopping day for us – a trip to Truth or Consequences. On the way back to camp, we explore the dispersed camping area along Caballo Lake. This is probably a popular spot certain times of the year.
Dispersed camping along Caballo Lake
After unloading and putting away groceries and sundries, I take the Blazer to a dead tree in the nearby day-use area and load up small branches and bark, at least enough for two or three campfires. It is too late to play cello outside, but I do make a campfire and a cup of good organic French Press coffee, a little late in the day for it, but the perfect fireside companion.
Campfire at Riverside Campground
After dinner, while I work on a blog, Clifford takes his night-vision goggles for a walk. Since he kind of a night-owl himself, this night-time stuff is fun for him,
Thursday December 22nd – it rained all night; good thing I covered my woodpile with a tarp. I walk down to the river in the gently falling rain, loving the feel of it.
A gnarly tree in the rain by the riverRaindrops on the river
The rain continues throughout the day, which is good for the land, the river, the trees.
I back up my photos and documents to an external drive, as Clifford is going to do some fussing around with my laptop to get the internet card either reset or replaced. A backup is a wise thing to do in any case. Because of the rain, it is an inside day – editing, blog writing, and some research on the BLM long-term places in Arizona. They might be warmer than here, but other than that, they don’t appeal to me much – but I should wait to see them before I make such a judgment. My experience-less opinion comes from seeing photos of the area. Some people want to go to a new place every trip; me – I like going to familiar places that I know that I like, but I can see the value in trying new places, also.