Saturday September 1: Clifford didn’t feel well in the night, but fortunately he is okay this morning. I go down to the lake first thing this morning for photos. I love the ambiance of the mist rising off the lake.

Chat with Rollie before he heads out to attend a bluegrass festival.

I drive into the town of Seeley Lake to look for local honey, browsing through gift shops, and end up buying local raw honey at the market. Stop for photos of water lilies on the way back to camp.

In the evening I do some editing of Princes and Priests for my daughter Ang and then edit photos from my outings today.

Sunday September 2: It is a beautiful morning here with the mist on the lake again. After the mist lifts, I sit outside in the sunshine with my cup of coffee while I write in the journal.

Today is a day of calls: some business calls and some family/friends calls. I play my viola and do more editing today, as well as start reading another novel. Nice to have time to read, along with all the other things that I like to do.
Monday September 3: I make coffee and then go sit by the lake to muse on things while I sip at my coffee.

Back at camp after breakfast, I send photos of the lake to all the family. The afternoon is more editing and reading and playing fiddle tunes on the viola. Life is good!