The week of April 17thto April 24th was not remarkable in regard to photo outings, but it is scenic everywhere here, so most photos were taken from the window of our moving vehicle as we made numerous trips to Moab for groceries and sundries, laundromat, access to wifi for business and uploading blogs, taking the Suburban to a mechanic due to the increasingly more severe starting issues, meeting friends for lunch, and looking at possibilities in regard to moving the CI lab to Moab.
Heading to Moab – view of the La Sal MountainsHeading to Moab – Mesas catch my attentionHeading to Moab – notice the dwelling lower frame for size reference
One outing was a visit to our friend’s location out on Kane Creek Road. Turns out that is the road that we took with the pop-up several years ago and we turned around several miles out because we questioned the wisdom of being on that road, especially when towing. At least this time we were not towing, but it is still sketchy in spots and took us much longer than planned to get to his place, and since Clifford had a business call scheduled, we could only stay a few minutes before heading back to cell service in Moab.
Kane Creek Road along the Colorado RiverScenic views from our friend’s locationScenic views from Kane Creek Road
Although the temperatures have been moderate, it has been very windy – too windy to play cello outside. However, in spite of the wind, I went running every morning on trails near this campground, taking time at a favorite rocky outcropping to sit quietly, sending blessings to my kids and friends. This setting has been especially conducive for that, being a peaceful setting in nature away from noise, people, and traffic.
Chisholm Trail mid-morning runEarly morning run on Rowdy Trail
I addition to photo editing and blog writing, I have spent a good amount of time editing for three authors. Thanks to better RV batteries and sunshine, keeping the laptop charged has not recently been such an issue for me. I have been reading My Grandfather’s Blessings by Rachel Naomi Remen – inspirational stories highlighting the importance of accepting life, blessing life, and service as a way of life.
One of the more memorable events during this week period was watching the outstanding documentary film, The Music of Strangers, featuring YoYo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble, which was presented free-of-charge at a lovely old theater in Moab. Heart-touching and inspiring, I highly recommend it to everyone, not just musicians.
The Music of Strangers – highly recommended!
When we got ready to go afterward, the Suburban almost didn’t start and we had visions of spending the night in our vehicle right there on a street in Moab. It finally kicked over, thanks to the brand-new battery (another battery purchase in addition to the two new RV batteries). On the next trip to town, starter fluid was added to the shopping list and has been used regularly since then.
The red rocks of Utah canyon lands near Moab
On our last day at Horsethief Campground, we loaded the Suburban and packed up everything inside that we could ahead of time, as we needed to get an early start the next morning to secure a campsite along the Colorado River for the rest of our stay in the area. Horsethief has been an especially good campground because of being off the highway and surrounded by miles and miles of virtual wilderness, a setting which resonates with my soul. I am sorry to leave here, but I anticipate that camping by the river will be good, also.
Tuesday April 11th is a travel day, as we are leaving Green River, Utah, and heading to Horsethief BLM Campground near Canyonland National Park, about a 60-mile drive. We are surprised to see how full it is here on a Tuesday morning and it is only on the far end of the last loop that we find a spot that will work for us. Terry is close to the road, but provides privacy within the site. Juniper trees offer a sweet zen-like space to relax, and the trailhead to nearby trails is right beside our campsite.
Camped at Horsethief BLM Campground
After getting set up, I do some editing and write a blog while Clifford sets up his ham radio gear and antennas. It is too breezy for cello today, but other than that, it is a good full day and we are happy to be here for a couple of weeks.
Wednesday April 12th – I explore the trail nearest to our end of the campground. This will be a great place to go for a run, as it is both peaceful and scenic, making it a good way to start the day.
Rowdy Trail
Today is an errand day and we head to Moab, about 25 miles away, to take care of business. Free wifi at the Information Center allows for email and blog-posting. Errands include getting a new battery for Terry, as well as groceries and sundries, before going to lunch at the Moab Brewery (recommended if you are ever in Moab). We see from a poster that there is a bluegrass band performing outdoors this evening, so we stay in Moab and go to the performance. The band was quite good and we thoroughly enjoyed listening to them play. It was dark by time we drove back to camp, so no photos and no cello today.
Thursday April 13th is a very windy day. I go for a run on the Rowdy Trail and then sit outside with a cup of tea, feeling the sun and the wind, while focusing on the feel of the cup in my hands as a meditation. Too windy to be out long, so no cello (again!), but enough sun to keep laptop charged and I get quite a lot of editing and blog writing done. Good conversation with Becka when she calls.
Clifford is studying and doing experiments with biofilm, as this will be an important area of research.
Sunset at Horsethief
Friday April 14th– Running on the Rowdy Trail, I find a large outcropping of red rock that is a great place for quiet sitting. Back at camp, I call my daughter Merri to wish her happy birthday. Being mid-April and warmer temps, I pack up my winter coats and most of the hats, gloves, and scarves. In a small RV, space is at a premium, so it is good to get these bulky items packed away. Too windy to spend time outdoors, so I do a lot of editing today, while Clifford continues his studies.
Saturday April 15th– Lots going on at an international level: Missiles on Syria, bombs on Afghanistan, and serious North Korea issues – it is all absolutely crazy. Why can’t humans coexist peacefully?
Run on both the Rowdy and Wrangler trails today, taking time on my way back to sit on the outcropping of rock to send joyful thoughts and energy to all of my kids. We all could use more joy in our lives!
In the afternoon, with mild temperatures and only a slight breeze, the herbs go out to the picnic table and I play cello – hooray! Then we go for a drive on the Mineral Point Road beyond the campground, looking for dispersed camping areas.
Driving on Mineral Point RoadFrowning rock on Mineral Point RoadRock formations on Mineral Point Road
We find a spot about a mile out, so will keep that in mind as a backup if the campground is full at some future time. More exploring takes us out on sketchy roads, very scenic, but best left to jeeps!