Sunday October 6: It is another chilly morning here at Great Basin National Park in eastern Nevada where Clifford and I have been camped for several days. I make coffee as I wait for the sun to rise and warm things up a bit. Then I start walking the trail to Grey Cliffs Campground, pleasant in the sunshine, but once I reach the shade from the bluff, it is too chilly and I head back to our campsite.

After breakfast and cleanup, Clifford takes a break from playing dulcimer so we can walk the Grey Cliff Trail all the way to the other campground. It is a beautiful autumn day and the hike is a great way to end our stay at Great Basin National Park, as tomorrow we will be heading east to Utah.

Grey Cliff Trail Clifford on the trail Carol on the trail Grey Cliff Trail Along the Grey Cliffs Trail Clifford on Grey Cliffs Trail

When we return to camp, Clifford goes back to playing dulcimer and I sit out in the last sunlight to write in the journal. When the sun goes down, the temperature drops quickly and we go inside. I make potato salad, an easy snack when traveling, and do some editing of photos taken these days here at Great Basin. This has been a great place, our first time here, but hopefully not our last.