Monday February 10. LaPosa South, Quartzsite, Arizona. Today is my birthday and I am happy to be alive and well. It is cool and windy when I go out for my morning walk, but it feels good to be outside. I am thinking I should have planned a hike for my birthday activity rather than going to town for pizza.

When I get back from my walk, I mention this to Clifford and within minutes, we have decided to do both, starting with a hike to the mountain that is about 2 ½ miles away. We invite my brother Rollie to join us. A quick smoothie, hiking shoes, water, snacks, hat, hiking sticks, cell phone and charger – and we are on our way.

The birthday girl Clifford
It is a great day for a hike with clouds keeping it from being too hot. We stop for photos now and then. Since it is my birthday, I am allowed to stop as often as I want.

Once we arrive at Shale Mountain, my name for the mountain since up close it appears to be made of nothing but shale, we have our snacks and relax until we see rain in the distance and rain clouds building behind us.

We hustle on back, no stopping for photos, (well, not many), but the rain storm catches up to us and we are drenched by time we arrive back at camp.

After a change of clothes, we all head into Quartzsite and finish off the afternoon with the best pizza ever at Silly Al’s. As we leave, it is pouring rain again, which to me is another gift, making an extra special birthday.