Wednesday August 14: One more day of fun fun fun with my girls, Becka and Ang. Becka and I spent last night with Ang and this morning Ang makes us coffee before we head to Missoula. On our way we explore a couple of possible camping spots along Petty Creek in case Clifford and I would like to camp here. There are a couple nice spots by the creek, but I think they are just a bit too small for Cougar.

In Missoula, our first stop is the Iron Horse for food and a mimosa, sitting in the lovely outdoor patio area with our laptops, taking care of business. Then on to the Kettle House over the Orange Street underpass, once a train depot but now a brewery.
Becka takes care of calls… Ang at Kettle House
Ang & Becka… chillin’ at Kettle House

Our next stop is lunch and a tasty pink beer at a place on West Broadway, sitting out in the patio area with a view of a wooded area.

Ross is next, and Becka buys me a shawl, a long vest, and shoes. Our last stop is Kobe (sp), a restaurant where we watch our food being cooked to tasty perfection right at out table. A good green tea is served from a cool tea pot.
We are the last to leave and we head back to Ang’s for the night. As soon as the left-overs are put into the cooler, I head to bed in Terry, our old travel trailer. I’m sure glad Ang has it now, as it gives me a home away from “home.” It was a great fun day and I sleep well.